Saturday, October 06, 2012

California Gas Prices Approach $6 a Gallon

State Flower of California
California is a beautiful place made almost uninhabitable by the idiocy of liberalism.  Our state legislature is a motley mob of kooks, crazies and moonbats.  The state flower is a marijuana plant, the state bird is a lesbian, and the state motto is "That be some goooood sheeee-it!"

So it's not surprising that gas prices in the Golden State are approaching $6 a gallon in some places.  Why?  It's all because of the really stupid policies of the kooky left who run the state.  Psota, a California Republican and attorney, explains the factors that underlie the new high prices.

Basically, it's because California is just so environmentally high-minded, that they require certain additives to gasoline sold in the state.  Therefore, gas shortages can't be simply filled by bringing in gasoline from another state.  It might not have the required additives, like THP, pixie dust and hippie piss.

I'd leave the state but I can't afford the gas I need to leave.
California Legislature In Session


  1. I agree. Technology has made a very cold, disconnected place we live in. People are too much in a hurry all the time
    to be bothered with a phone call. But they can sit for hours hooked to reading Facebook , is this anyway to stay social media craze
    connected with friends or family??

  2. .

    "I'd leave the state but I can't afford the gas I need to leave."

    Oh you poor wittle bitty. Have the ideas of breathing clean air, drinking clean water, and enjoying a clean environment for all brought you low? Just where do you want to go? How about the border areas IN Mexico or Mogadishu? No one worries about law and order, and MIGHT make RIGHT.

    "... gas prices in the Golden State are approaching $6 a gallon in some
    places. Why? It's all because of the really stupid policies of the
    kooky left who run the state."

    The price of gasoline? Perhaps one needs to expand one's sphere of information. The price of gasoline in USA remains below that of countries in Europe where in Germany/Switzerland the price of gas is over $6 a gallon.

    Get over oneself about being a third world country because one has pay for gasoline/fuel. In case one has failed to notice, USA is in the middle of a long slow recovery (unemployment is coming down, private sector employment continues to increase, and inflation is near zero %).

    Gloom and doom because gasoline costs more; ya USA is number 1, in whining and sniveling.

    Ema Nymton

  3. Ema, so that's your pathetic argument? Gas prices are higher in the even more socialist countries of Europe, who by the way, are bankrupt? Gas prices have more than doubled since Obama was elected, and he has stated publicly that he wants gas prices to be high. His energy czar stated that they want to get gas prices up to those of Europe. In other words, the Democrats want you to suffer! Yes, anyone who complains about high unemployment, high taxes and the economic disaster wrought by the Marxist Democrats is only "whining" or "sniveling." On November 6, we will do our "whining" and "sniveling" at the ballot box.

  4. Better yet Ema why don't you leave? Why is it so important for you to make America just another 3rd world toilet? Instead of changing America why don't you pack your bong and hippie beads and move to China or Russia or the shit hole of your choosing......PLEASE!!!!

  5. .

    "Why is it so important for you to make America just another 3rd world toilet?"

    There you go again. USA is getting better and your only response is snivel and whine about how awful your life is. USA is moving in the right direction and you are hating USA.

    Now just sit and allow the adults to take care of the problems that face USA. You'll benefit from USA's improvement all the while hysterically soiling yourself.

    Ema Nymton

  6. Ema, you don't have a clue as to how to solve the problems of the economy or anything else. You simply blindly trust the socialist-commie ideologues, trust that their failed nostrums will work, though they never work anytime or anywhere they are tried. It is you on the left who should bow out and allow the adults, namely conservatives, to put the house back in order. We have 23 million people unemployed, but just because they have no jobs and are losing their homes and the suicide rate is through the roof, no problem -- send in Ema to tell them to stop "sniveling and whining." Yeah, that'll do the trick. Too bad Stalin didn't think of that when he was murdering millions of Russians and Ukrainians.

    That's rich -- accuse the victims of socialism of "sniveling" and "whining" -- so now we must suffer that fool in the White House in silence, hey? Is the First Amendment next on the chopping block, Ema? Maybe the next time some Jihadist is killed by a drone, we can tell the survivors to stop "sniveling and whining." The next time some SOB complains about waterboarding, we can tell him he is "sniveling and whining." You are good at parroting soundbites that you learned on some leftist website, but are a total failure at anything resembling actual thought.

  7. Please consider moving to Colorado. We have the same state flower. Linked here:

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