Thursday, October 18, 2012

RCP Electoral Map Shows Romney Ahead For First Time

Real Clear Politics has been running an electoral college map for months now.  Before today, it has always shown Obama ahead of Romney in probable electoral college votes.

Today, for the first time, the RCP electoral map shows Romney going ahead of Obama by 206 electoral college votes to 201.  It takes 270 electoral college votes to win, and a number of states (representing 131 electoral college votes) are still in the toss-up category.

The increase in Romney's vote count is due to the addition of North Carolina to the Romney column, based on a recent poll showing him ahead in that state.

Hat tip:  View From the Right

Note to Left:  The freak-out begins in 10 seconds:  10, 9, 8, .......


  1. It's possible for Romney to win with 269 EVs. If he wins Virginia, Florida and Colorado which is more than likely he only needs 12 more to get 269 and throw the election to the House of Representatives. There is zero chance the Social Democrats retake the house. With the three states above added to RCP's map plus Nevada and Iowa Romney has 269 EVs. This scenario actually has much to recommend it, in that even a 1984 style thrashing won't make the Proggies surrender much less go away.

  2. Obama gave Romney a gift for the next debate in that interview with Jon Stewart. The deaths of four Americans in Benghazi was "not optimal"? Wow, just wow. Romney had better hammer home Obama's own words and the connotations thereof.

  3. Yeah, Obama dismissed the deaths as if they were just a political disadvantage, not a tragedy. But he CARES!! Not.

  4. Adobe, I think Romney will win more than the 270 electoral college votes needed to win. All the signs are pointing that way. Three more left-leaning newspapers have endorsed Romney as well as lifelong Democrat Lee Iaccoca. Captain Zero is going down!

  5. No doubt, in fact I believe it's going to be a massacre. I was just pointing out that he has a path to the White house without 270 and that there were potential upsides to that path. If the dismissal of our first openly Bolshevik president (who incidentally is black) were decided in the house of representatives, the ensuing sh!tstorm, which is inevitable in any case, could offer us an opportunity to find long term solutions to this nation's problems.
