Friday, November 16, 2012

Bitch-Slapping "Anonymous"

I have been enjoying myself this morning, fighting with "Anonymous" punks at the Other McCain's post on that same creepshow.  Check out the messages at "Thugs of a Feather:  #Anonymous Supports Hamas Terrorists Against Israel."

My comments to these do-rag wearing trash are not intended to be sagacious, insightful political analysis.  They are merely intended to insult, belittle and wound the Anonymous commenters.  Bitch-slapping can be fun!

Why did I bother?  Because it's fun.  Because I am so mentally superior to these purveyors of evil and it is fun to prove it.  I like making damn fools look like damn fools.  Also, there is absolutely no chance that these human canker-sores are amenable to reason or facts.  So I torture them instead.

Screw "Anonymous."

Update:  It appears the mama's-basement dwelling scum have launched a "denial of service" attack against The Other McCain.  Right now I cannot log onto that site as a result.

We need build our own team of hackers, to track down, disclose and prosecute these scum.

Update:  Wombat, one of McCain's assistants, deleted most of Anonymous's comments so now you can't see what I was replying to.  Too bad, the verbal fight was a lot of fun.  (I like McCain but am not crazy about his P.C. assistants.)

Update:  I received a nastygram from an Anonymous supporter (see messages below).  Her email address is and she lives in Grigio Tempe Town Lake apartments in Tempe, Arizona.  I am publishing her email address here so Nigerian scammers can fill up her inbox with offers for great rewards and riches.  If anyone out there has any info on this commenter, please relay it to me so I can post it here online.  Meanwhile, I will continue my online search for her identity so I can turn it over to the FBI and the Israeli Defense Force.


  1. For Immediate Release - #OpIsrael - Press Release - … #PillarsOfAnonymous #Anonymous

  2. For Immediate Release - #OpIsrael - Press Release - … #PillarsOfAnonymous #Anonymous

  3. #OpIsrael - Press Release - … #PillarsOfAnonymous #Anonymous

  4. Liberty At'Stake11/16/2012 1:27 PM

    Couldn't help piling on to blow off a little steam. I guess I owe you a hat tip.

  5. No problem, Liberty. Glad you got to pile on! There is no point trying to have an intelligent conversation with these scum, so let's just harass them to the nth degree!

  6. normal person11/16/2012 8:24 PM

    Update--- no one cares about you and this won't get anyone else to support your sick ideologies you sad, sad man. You aren't wounding anonymous that's a joke you do realize in all likelihood you just caused a great deal of laughter and amusement at your fat old ass thinking you accomplished anything. If you think Israel is a beast that shouldn't be riled you have not done your proper research on Anonymous

  7. normal person11/16/2012 8:26 PM

    HAHAHA I didn't even read the update. Lets see how much help you get

  8. normal person11/16/2012 8:30 PM

    My guess is about.... none. You're description of anonymous as "do-rag wearing trash" shows how truly misguided and uninformed you truly are. Good thing you are locked out of the site, you should probably take that as a sign to quit posting all of your bigotry while you are ahead...sort of

  9. Idiot, if you support this trash, then you are hardly a "normal" person. "Anonymous" supports everything evil and nothing good. Their support of the murderous scum of the world's sickest religion proves that beyond all doubt.

  10. A lot more than you suspect, idiot.

  11. Anonymous is a bunch of scum who are going down. They are cowards and criminals. But they can't hide in their mom's basements forever. We are coming for you. Expect us.

  12. By the way,, (worthless lesbian singing group) does your employer at Distributed Management Information Systems in Tempe, Arizona know you are using their system to support cyber terrorism? Because I can give them a call if you like. Meanwhile, enjoy all the new offers from Nigeria, now that I have published your email address.
