Friday, November 09, 2012

Letting the Rotten Edifice Collapse

Last night as I went to bed I noticed something:  my chronic depression had lessened considerably.  Somehow, knowing that the country is lost cheered me up.  Not because I want America to enter the dust bin of history -- I don't.  But knowing that I could no longer hope to stop it, relieved me of the burden of trying.

I once read something that advised "giving up" in certain situations.  Instead of trying to hold up the major support beam with your back, just get the hell out and let the whole rotten edifice collapse.  Then you can sort through the rubble, see what can be salvaged, and begin again on a better footing.

The high joblessness is increasing as many companies begin massive layoffs due to Obamacare and Obama's re-election.  Gas prices will continue soaring.  American prosperity will continue to erode, and there will be much fewer job opportunities for young people graduating from college.

Now the burden of America's decline is on the backs of the Democrats.  They voted for it, and they own it.  Enjoy it, liberals.  When you fill up your gas tanks at exorbitant prices, when you get laid off, think of us Republicans -- we are not the only ones you defeated.  You defeated America, common sense, prosperity and opportunity.  You defeated yourselves.


  1. I'm thinking of moving to a place with a little more stability.... Like Greece ! :)

  2. Stogie - I know you worry about your grandchildren. I'm one of the lucky ones - no kids. Hubby and I will be fine, but many people who don't deserve this will suffer. Of course, like you said, many of them will be the libtards and for that I rejoice.

    Considering our age, we've decided to do what we can to enjoy the rest of our life as best we can. Like you, I'm not very depressed. I actually feel a bit energized.

  3. Adrienne, that's our strategy too -- enjoy the rest of our lives as best we can; learn to survive in a leftist world. My depression is much improved. We did what we could to save the country; we failed, but we went down fighting.

  4. This is why I think a good GOP tactic would be to announce opposition to Obama and the Pelosicrats's crack-brained ideas, and then stand aside and let them implement them. They will own the results.

  5. I've been reading quite a few comments online since the Day of Infamy. It's a little surprising to me how many of them echo my own feelings: not just a loss or defeat -- those are part of life and we eventually recover from them -- but a deeper pain. As if something that was always part of our lives and that we cherished even when not consciously thinking about it has died and is not coming back. Call it the American ideal: a mixture of belief in individuality leavened by community, the rule of law, the pursuit of the good life according to our own values, the right to keep most of the fruits of our labors, limits to government power ... all that and so much more. Irrelevant now to many, if not most, of those we thought were our countrymen.

    Add to that a loss of belief in the traditional ways of redressing grievances or working through the political system. However cynical we might have been at times, on some level we imagined that we weren't powerless, that we counted for something even among our opponents, with whom we at least agreed on the rules. Suddenly the floor isn't there and the pit yawns beneath us.

    What we valued and now mourn has been rare in history -- anything but the norm. Intellectually we may have known that but it seemed like we had won against the odds that nearly always favor the mob and the ruler. We had won, more or less, for a quarter of a millennium: perhaps the strange thing is that the land of the free lasted as long as it did, not that graceless human nature finally overcame it.

    I am glad that for most of my life I knew the blessings of liberty. Any baby born in this country on November 6, 2012, will probably never know it. What comes now? Making the best of the new world order, I suppose, and serving God, from whom we never should have turned away.

  6. Stogie,

    I haven't reached the same point that you have.

    But I will. I'm moving in that direction as I, first, grieve. Next, I have to get my head sorted out and figure out in which direction to move with my blog site. I'm sure that I will continue in some capacity.

    Like you, I do have the consolation of doing all that I could do to help America avert this debacle that is bearing down upon us now.

    I refuse to all the liberals to force me into the corner of never enjoying a moment of my life again. I did feel that way for at least the first 48 hours after the election results became apparent.

  7. Chrysichthys11/09/2012 3:25 PM

    If you want to win next time, your best bet--I'm speaking seriously, not sarcastically--would be to work towards getting a guy like Marco Rubio onto the Republican ballot. But for that to happen, you would need to be willing to compromise your beliefs somewhat. This is the only thing I can really think of that might help you. I still think the best man won. You obviously don't, but I don't think Obama is perfect either. I don't see any reason why we cannot agree to disagree.

  8. Stogie,

    Have you seen this?

  9. Rick, that's a great obituary for America. Now we just have to make the most of our lives in a socialist, post-American world. I no longer harbor any hope that liberty will survive because it is human nature to always select the easy route, the pickpocketing of one's neighbor, the live-for-the-moment mentality, living high off the hog on credit cards and living in denial of the bill that will eventually come due.

  10. Thanks for the link. That's a long list of companies facing the reality of Obamunism -- as well as their soon to be ex-employees. Socialism does not create prosperity -- it destroys it every time it is tried.

  11. Kurt, that's pretty much my strategy. No use getting exercised about the latest Obama-Reid-Pelosi program...for what? At this point the ship has hit the iceberg and I am tired of bailing -- especially with all those liberals below decks drilling new holes in the keel. Let the damn thing sink.

  12. If one feels the need to compromise one principles then one is either unprincipled or has the wrong principles.

    Stogie you're quite right, we must take heart, embrace the suck and find comfort in the fact that those who voted for serfdom and darkness, will surely starve to death first after the collapse.

  13. Chrysichthys11/11/2012 4:30 PM

    I'll state it more bluntly. Do you want a Republican to to win the Presidency next time, or don't you? If you do, you need to move back toward the center. If you don't, you're history. The Republican Party has done great things in the past, but at the moment it's a slave to the religious right. At least nobody seems to be blaming Mitt Romney for what happened, which is fair, because for the most part it wasn't Romney's fault. Expect a purge of the Tea Party during the next four years, because they're the actual problem. They're the main reason the GOP lost the Senate in both 2010 and 2012. Don't expect the knives not to be out for them next time, even if that isn't what you want, because they certainly will be. Karl Rove probably didn't like spending $300,000,000 on Romney, only to hear the likes of Todd Akin blow it all in half a second. That isn't the sort of thing that will easily be forgotten.

  14. You couldn't get more "center" than Romney. The result: 3 million white voters stayed home.
