Tuesday, November 06, 2012

Obama Wins Re-Election

Ohio has now gone to Obama and the election is all but over.  Obama wins re-election.

We're toast.

Now Obamacare will survive and we will have nationalized health care.

Social Security and Medicare will go broke.

High unemployment will continue, along with higher taxes.

Gas prices will continue their ascent into the stratosphere.

America is over.

Final Electoral Map and I'm going to bed:


  1. Stogie,
    I agree with all of your assessment.

    America has voted to destroy herself.

  2. I'm still in shock. I find it hard to believe the majority of Americans want another four years of the past four years.

  3. LD, me too. Let's let it all settle for a few days and then we can focus on a new strategy...new party? Nullification? Secession? I am open to all ideas.

  4. The question is, what do we do now?

  5. My advice? Study up on how they live and do business in France and Germany. That's where we are headed... On our way to being Greece

  6. Goodluck America with the best pupil of Karl Marx, Obama !! I'm so sad to see that America choose this wrong way !

  7. Not in France, my Friend !! I'm french and, for exemple, when I win 1000$ with my work, french governement take 45$. And if I spend the other 55$, 18$ go with an other tax called TVA !!

  8. Thank you David. We are sad too.

  9. Time to study up on Foraging and Hunting and Gathering.

  10. Yep. Time to buy guns and ammo. Just in case.

  11. Thanks for posting this final electoral map. I have linked to you here: http://bobagard.blogspot.com/2012/11/final-electoral-map.html
