Thursday, May 23, 2013

My New Fender Jazz Bass!

My New Fender Jazz Bass
Sorry for the lack of blogging (as if you cared), but for the past week I have been OBSESSED with one goal:  to buy the new "Modern Player Fender Jazz Bass."  The bass is made in China but is of excellent quality.  Read all about my quest at my other blog, "Playing Bass."

I figured out how to get one and bought it yesterday.  I also figured out better ways to record MP3 files, and here is an MP3 of me playing bass to "Cold Shot," a rock song by the legendary Stevie Ray Vaughn.  Rockin' Mama Lorraine does a good job of imitating Vaughn's incredible guitar playing, and Ashley does a fine job of singing the tune.  I play the bass and all I can say is that I didn't make many mistakes!

Here it is: