Saturday, May 11, 2013

Police File Charges Against "Naked Pope" Girl

Last month there was an annual Art School parade at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh.  One of the CMU students, 19 year old Katherine O'Connor, participated in the parade dressed as the Pope, but naked from the waist down.  Her pubic hair was shaved into the shape of a cross.  She reportedly gave out condoms to the onlookers as she marched along with the parade.

Pittsburgh Police have now decided to file misdemeanor charges against O'Connor for indecent exposure.  Her supporters claim her "artistic expression" is protected speech under the First Amendment.

Why did O'Connor do it?  She probably just wanted to show off and achieve notoriety, using a leftist-approved meme, i.e. bashing the Church.   College students are always so brave and courageous while attacking the traditional culture; they will get pats on the head from their left-leaning teachers and kudos from their colleagues.  However, as former Communist David Horowitz has pointed out, "the issue is always the revolution," no matter what the issue pretends to be.

The left is determined to root out religion from the culture so it can be replaced with something else, i.e. an almost religious belief in the state.  Such incidents, like the piss-Christ photograph and the elephant dung-Mary, are designed to be a kind of cultural acid, slowly weakening the mortar that holds the bricks of western civilization together.  Over time we become less sensitive to such displays, weakening our will to resist the cultural and political changes the left has planned for us.

As for Katherine O'Connor, she has her own cross to bare.  If she gets off, it will be a close shave.


  1. This needs more pictures...

  2. Bad Photoshop fake pic of legs

  3. Personally I feel sorry for the poor little schmuck. Did she believe this pathetic act would win her friends and admiration?
