Thursday, July 11, 2013

State Mandated Show Trial: The Fix Is In

Lots of commentary on Rush and the web about the outcome of the Zimmerman trial.  Most pundits are pessimistic about the verdict.  They believe that the government has entered into a new phase of tyranny and totalitarianism, the use of show trials with predetermined outcomes to achieve political ends.

This morning, the prosecution in the Zimmerman case presented a last-minute motion for the court to provide a third possible verdict, Third Degree Murder on the basis of "Child Abuse."  The incompetent, yet ruthless prosecutors are trying to get a felony conviction at all costs.  The defense objected to the last minute nature of the motion, and the judge (thankfully) denied the motion.

The fix seems to be in, in the Zimmerman trial, and the leftist government and leftist media are totally invested in convicting an innocent man for racial reasons.  They believe that there is one standard of justice for black people, and a different one for everyone else.  My understanding is:
Bill Lee, who testified Monday in Zimmerman's second-degree murder trial, told CNN's George Howell in an exclusive interview that he felt pressure from city officials to arrest Zimmerman to placate the public rather than as a matter of justice.  "It was (relayed) to me that they just wanted an arrest. They didn't care if it got dismissed later," he said. "You don't do that."
  • The Department of Justice helped organize and support protests and demands for prosecuting Zimmerman, in effect, throwing the might of the federal government behind demands for a show trial.
  • Informed pundits like William Jacobson have a bad feeling about the trial outcome.  Although the evidence for acquittal is overwhelming, the jury may feel pressured to provide a politically correct verdict, in order to avoid criticism and violence while covering themselves in liberal glory.  Jacobson writes:
I’ve said it before, this was a case which never should have been brought, and it wasn’t. Not until a carefully orchestrated professionally managed publicity campaign based on false racial accusations, resulting in a Special Prosecutor.
"Progressive" politics corrupts everything.  Science, academia, media...and now the system of justice.  Where will it all end?  And what can we do about it?


  1. God! Kangaroo court if there ever was one!

  2. You are perfectly locked in on every point.

  3. Thanks for the encouraging words, Joseph.

  4. Stogie,
    I watched much of the prosecution's three-hours-long closing argument yesterday. Boring and with an air of desperation as well. I'm sure that my blood pressure soared!

  5. I didn't watch, but Powerline said it was a travesty. Legal Insurrection said the same.
