Friday, August 02, 2013

The New Mind Control: Use the Word "Nigger" and Your Life Is Ruined

Actor Tim Allen has a point.  The use of the term "N-Word" is just as offensive as the term it represents, the word "nigger."

The word "nigger" is at least 200 years old (probably more), and didn't start out as an ethnic slur or insult.  Blacks themselves invented the word.  It is derived from the word "Niger," meaning black.  There is an African nation by that name, and also one named Nigeria.  Mark Twain used the word repeatedly in his fictional tales of blacks and whites in the antebellum South.  Although his fiction subtly advocated racial equality, it has been condemned by modern blacks for the use of a word that was not at all offensive at the time that Twain used it.

"Nigger" is only a hateful word by context.  It is not inherently hateful in and of itself.  However, the left has instituted unofficial speech codes into our society, so that if you use the word "nigger" in any context, be it semantical, historical or literary, you have broken an unofficial rule that carries great consequences.

Those consequences are social and professional ostracism.  Paula Deen is only the latest example in a long line of wrecked careers and lives.  She admitted she used the word thirty years ago after being assaulted by a criminal black man.  Her publisher and various department store chains immediately dropped her cookbooks and her television cooking show was canceled.  Ridiculous.

Note:  I do not advocate the careless use of the word "nigger," especially as a racial insult.  If you google the word and select "images," a ton of really offensive images are displayed.  However, use of the word does not turn any black into a pillar of salt.  So why are we so racially hypersensitive to the biggest group of screw-ups in human history?  (If you doubt me, look up crime statistics by race, illegitimacy by race and percentage of prison inmates by race.)

What blacks need is the unvarnished truth about themselves, and a great deal of societal pressure to clean up their act.  Instead, we have been programmed to do double back flips in order to never, ever offend any black, anywhere, for any reason.  They are the "sacred other," the Tribe of Dali Lamas among us, and anything less is sacrilegious, an apostasy that can never be overlooked or forgiven.

This semantical tyranny must stop.  I'm with you, Tim Allen.