Friday, October 11, 2013

Screw the Polls: Republicans, Stay the Course: End Obamacare and Excessive Spending! #polls #shutdown

There's a lot of discussion this morning about a new NBC poll that shows Americans hate the GOP's guts and want to eradicate the party from the face of the earth.  Frankly, I very much doubt that opinion is that bad.  [Rush Limbaugh has called the poll "bogus."]

If the public really is angry at the GOP, it is terribly misguided.  Democrats and their Marxist leader are the poison that is killing our prosperity and our freedoms.  The GOP, weak and vacillating as it is, is still the best defense against the job-killing policies of the far-left Democrats.  However, since the national media (with the exception of Fox) is owned by the Demo-Marxists, only news that supports Democrats will be broadcast, and news that undermines Democrats will be suppressed.  The public will continue to get a very biased and incomplete account of the political battles now ongoing.

If the country is going down, if the economy is to be permanently ruined, if our freedoms are to be permanently debilitated, then let us go down fighting.  There is no point in holding office without the pursuit of freedom and prosperity.  If the only way we can hold office is to become a carbon copy of the Demo-Marxists, then there is no point in holding office.  Let us instead move on to other strategies:  nullification and secession.

HOWEVER, the first thing we should do is to push back at the Dems and their captive media.  We conservatives need to find a way to be heard, to refute the Democrats, to let the public hear our side of the story.


  1. Jack Wiley Dithers reports the population polled by NBC, when sorted albabetically by name, strangely aligns with the DNC donor list.

  2. I'd love to create a huge stir with something like this:

    Enough of a stir that the upheaval couldn't be ignored.

  3. What a shock! Thanks Joe.

  4. I've done a little more reading. The actual facts are the poll oversamples Dems by 11% and government workers by 12%. More agenda driven "polling" by the corrupt and biased liberal media.

  5. Bring back the coneheads!!

  6. Today apparently was Move the Barrycades Day in D.C.:
