Thursday, December 19, 2013

Snow Fall and Christmas Tree - My Second Moving Graphic in Photoshop

Here's my second moving graphic experiment. This one is snow falling on a Christmas tree that I Photoshopped last year. Looks okay, but the snow is too one-dimensional. I'd like to see another layer of falling snow behind this one, to give the graphic a better sense of depth.  Feel free to use this graphic anyway you like.  Update:  I fixed a hiccup in the snow so it falls more smoothly and realistically.


  1. Always On Watch12/19/2013 4:45 PM

    Very nice graphics (this one and the one in the post just below this one)!

    I'm so graphically challenged!

    But I did get some lucky shots with my camera recently. See <a href="'>this</a>.

  2. You are soooooooooooo clever. I'm jealous!

  3. Thanks. Spent several hours studying this. It's a start, with lots more to learn.
