Sunday, February 02, 2014

Coca-Cola's Super Bowl Ad - a Marketing Disaster?

Coca-Cola's Super Bowl ad was severely panned on FaceBook, after Allen West posted an image of a Muslim woman who appeared in the ad.  West noted that "Coca-Cola may not be 'America's Brand' anymore."

The ad was a hackneyed tribute to "diversity" and "multiculturalism," just when many Americans are beginning to realize that these political fads have divided and displaced Americans, and do much more harm than good.  The melting pot has been replaced with the salad bowl, and the salad is poisonous.  We are no longer e pluribus unum, "from many, one."  Now we are e pluribus pluribus, from many, still many -- not one American amalgam of many ethnicities, but many squabbling and separate cultures with less and less in common -- or so it seems.

The ad features people singing "America the Beautiful" in different languages, in the attire of various cultures, including the young Muslim woman above (she didn't sing though, as Muslims forbid music).  Ah, the wonders of multiculturalism, that gave us 911, the Fort Hood massacre, and the Boston Marathon bombing.  It brings a tear to my eye.

I think many, if not most Americans, have had enough diversity to last a lifetime.  It's enough to make this devoted Coke fan try Pepsi.

Just for the record, my family is European, Asian and Hispanic, but we all speak English and consider ourselves Americans.  We should focus on the things that we have in common, not on ethnic differences.  As for those cultures who hate us and wish us harm, they are not welcome and are not to be celebrated.  Period.


  1. I thought it was nauseating...

  2. It certainly didn't make me want to rush out and buy a Coke!

  3. Always On Watch2/03/2014 3:38 AM

    Welcome to the Balkanization of America!

    Here in Liberal-land Northern Virginia, all publications released by the local governments are available in nearly every language known to man. At what cost to the taxpayers?

  4. The ad sparked thousands of Twitter and blog posts, and inspired lengthy Internet arguments, free publicity of the sort that you can't buy. It also exposed the dark underbelly of racist hatred in the United States. It will get press for a long time. It's the Macintosh "1984 ad" for this year.

    I don't even consume soft drinks, but I know brilliant marketing strategy when I see it. Congratulations, Coca Cola.

    Disclaimer: I am a US Army veteran, E-5, Honorable Discharge. If you can't match my patriotism, don't insult it.

  5. I disagree about the "racist hatred." That is merely a shaming-tool used by the left to inhibit resistance to leftist memes. Its effectiveness continues to decline with overuse.

  6. In that case, please supply your own explanation for the irrational hatred on display after the ad.

    You do understand that it was hatred, and that it was irrational, correct. What is your explanation, if it is not racism?

  7. I didn't see any hatred, irrational or otherwise, and I didn't see any racism. You are asking me to comment on a false premise as if it were true.

  8. If you can't see the hatred in these vituperative posts, then our discussion is over. When I see hateful statements, I assume they are driven by hatred. You believe mean, insulting, vicious and threatening statements are not even hateful. What color is the sky on your planet?

  9. Repack, get back on your meds and go away.

  10. I have never read just a racist article. I cannot believe how close-minded people are. We are Americans, born here or naturalized, we live in America. America is the symbol of all freedoms. I don't care where someone comes from or what religion they practice. This will not be a site I visit again.

  11. Oh dear god. I am so freaking glad to be Canadian. I am sick of hearing people talk about the Coke ad like it's the worst thing to happen to our meth lab neighbours. Listen, racist dipshits. People moved to your country to experience a better way of life. And sure, they may not have the same beliefs as you, the same culture and mindset, but that's what makes it interesting! If everyone was the same, it would be the most boring thing ever. Don't forget what other cultures have given you, as you eat your chicken wrap and sip on your tea. Don't forget what they gave you as your child plays with the toys made in a third world country, and you dress yourselves in clothes made in Taiwan. Those are the ones that aren't so lucky. They don't get to experience the so-called "American Dream". But if this is the shit they'd get for coming here, maybe they're better off where they are.

  12. Wow, how racist ARE you? It's the 21st century, grow up.

  13. Kibichi, you sound like the typically brainwashed college student who has been trained like Pavlov's dog to merely react without any actual thought whatsoever. You are merely an angry child with absolutely nothing of any substance to impart. Go play with your XBox and leave such weighty questions to the adults.

  14. SPEECHFREEDOM19762/12/2014 6:20 PM

    Although we disagree about Amanda - reading your opinions on other stuff especially this I agree with you 100%!
    I am being genuine!
    Being PC is just bullshit - it stops debates and it stops people challenging things!
