Friday, May 08, 2015

The True Implications of the Muslim Attack on Pamela Geller

There has bee a lot of discussion about the Muslim attack on Pamela Geller's art show in Texas.  Liberals, as well as some conservatives, have argued that Geller's show was too provocative of Muslims, and unnecessary.  Others defend her right to free speech, the right to criticize Islam and its (false) prophet, Mohammed.  The former are actually arguing for a different standard for Islam and Muslims in America:  all other religions are subject to criticism and even ridicule, but Islam is sacrosanct.  Freedom of speech should be amended, making Islam the exception.

However, the true implications of the attack, like the attack on Charlie Hedbo in France, is that Islam is utterly incompatible with pluralistic democracies.  Where there are large concentrations of Muslims, there will be terrorist attacks on non-believers, because terrorism is a fundamental attribute of Islam, and always has been.  Muslims murder people, as commanded by Mohammed.  Murder to Islam is a sacred rite, a necessary activity for those who seek entrance to Muslim heaven.

Since Islam is incompatible with the safety and security of non-believers, Islam should be extricated from our midst.  Islam should  be banned.  All immigration from Muslim countries should cease, and those Muslims already here should be encouraged to leave.

1 comment:

  1. First, let me say I have no intentions of picking a fight with anyone. I disagree vehemently with Islam and its tenants. It is a dangerous religion and to call it a religion of peace is a lie. I also agree with Pamela Gellar's right to hold the event, based on the First Amendment. However...

    I can not help but wonder if the event should have been held. My sense of fair play and decency asks a simple question. How do Christians, of whom I am one, feel about "art" that consists of a cross or a Bible submerged in urine? How about a cartoon or drawing that depicts Jesus in a less than honorable manner? I know I do not like it, not even a little. Maybe a little respect between the two religions would go a long way.

    Having said that, we Christians are not the ones going around shooting or blowing people up, just because their "art" offends us. That honor and distinction falls squarely in the field of Muslims. The respect I would like to see between the two is likely to be one-sided and not end well.

    There is obviously a lot to consider.
