Sunday, January 22, 2017

The "Women's March" on Washington DC

Only In Their Dreams
The motley assortment of radical feminists who befouled Washington yesterday aptly demonstrated my impression of leftists.  Angry, open-mouthed dregs of society, shouting Hitler analogies, waving signs with moronic slogans, largely unwashed, festooned with facial studs, nose rings and tattoos, and downright ugly.  They have no more credibility for me than Mao's Red Guards.  Transportation was probably provided by Soros funding.  Someone mass produced many of the protest signs, which were left littering streets and sidewalks after the "protestors" departed. 

They are extremists with absurd views:  that sex with men is always rape; that heterosexuality is no more valid or normal than lesbianism;  that abortion on demand is a holy right.  They hate men, white people, Christians and Jews.  They despise capitalism and yearn for a socialist state that can provide their every need, for free.

Why do they protest?  Because many of them were paid to do so, according to very recent Craiglist ads.  Others simply want attention and peer approval.  Has-been celebrities are there hoping for renewed relevance and credibility.  Ashley Judd made the disgusting claim that Trump has sexual fantasies about his own daughter.  Leftists are obsessed with sexual perversion, and almost always level such accusations at their political opponents.  Projection, no doubt.

Madonna voiced her desire to "blow up the White House."  Gloria Steinman and other passé leftist losers were there to join the ugh-fest.  The media, including Fox News, added undeserved credibility to the Marxist milieu by treating the orchestrated sideshow as an authentic grassroots uprising with legitimate issues and concerns.  No.  The "protestors" were the lunatic fringe, devoid of credibility, undeserving of respect.  

Rush recently described the changing nature of the Democratic Party.  It used to be for the non-college educated working man.  It has become the party of kooks and weirdos.

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