Wednesday, January 06, 2021

The Demise of the United States of America

There were massive protests in Washington DC today, against the fraudulent election.  Mike Pence was a major disappointment, simply going along with the electoral vote counting process as if it were normal and legitimate.  There is massive anger directed at Pence by conservatives on Twitter, as well as at other sell-out Republicans like Mitch McConnell and Lindsey Graham.

Could Pence have refused votes from fraud states?  Maybe not, but he could have tried.  Also, he could have requested a ten day extension of the electoral vote counting process, but he did not even bother. If this weakling thinks he has a shot at the presidency in 2024, he is fooling himself.

We have been defeated by fraud and bad faith by the left, but it is only a battle and not the war.  We can and will start a new political party, e.g. the "Patriot Party."  I hope so, I need to be able to register to vote and I will not remain a Republican, the other half of the Uni-Party.  I used to worry about the lack of effectiveness in voting for a third party, but it beats not voting at all.  What have we got to lose?  Nothing.

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