Wednesday, January 13, 2021

WE DO NOT CONSENT: The Doctrine of Secession


A long established dictum of government, as expressed in the Declaration of Independence, is that a government derives its just powers from the consent of the governed.  The Fascist-Democrat takeover of the nation, now underway, does not recognize or validate that dictum.  Indeed, they have declared war on the rest of society that refuses their socialist/globalist quasi-dictatorship.

The Democrat election theft, the censorship and deplatforming of conservative writers, pundits and politicians, the calls for reeducation camps for Trump supporters and the take away of their children, all indicate the seriousness of our current situation.   Extremists now have control of the federal government.

As for the dictum, our position should be clear:  


Based on this, I will now dedicate this blog, for the foreseeable future, or until I am deplatformed like the rest,  on the advocacy of secession of conservative states.  Our union with tyranny has come to an end, it's time to recognize this fact and seek peaceful solutions.


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