Sunday, February 28, 2021

The Magic "D" as a Voting Guide

 Democrats are people who generally have no understanding of economics, culture, history or the Constitution.  They are ignorant voters who are motivated by a kind of political religion:  only vote for candidates with the magic "D" after their name, D standing for Democrat, of course.

Why not vote for the candidate most likely to make your life better, as in more prosperous, secure and generally more well off?

Here are the attributes that make most sense for any candidate.  He or she supports the folloing:

1.  Prosperity, More Jobs, a Strong Economy.  Renegotiating trade agreements that are unfair to the United States.  Sane tax and spend policies that do not encourage jobs to seek overseas tax havens.

2.  Energy Independence.  Not having to rely on Arabic and other hostile countries for our energy; having lower and more stable prices at the gas pump.

3. Secure Borders.  Preventing huge caravans of foreigners from pouring into our country to exhaust our welfare and other resources,  while bringing in disease and crime.

4,  A Strong & Ready Military.  The world is a hostile place, with countries who despise us like China, Russia, Iran and various other despotisms.  Coupled with a sane foreign policy, of non-intervention in foreign disputes, this is a must for our phsycal security from outside attacks.

5.  Anti-Corruption.  There are many American office-holders who are on the take, who support foreign interests over our own, for payoffs in money and other wealth.  This is what corruption is.  

6.  Supportive of Sane Cultural Norms.  Not given to support every weird, unnatural and destructive behavioral fad that comes down the pike.  Like the belief that gender is decided, not by biology, but by personal preference, or a belief in catastrophic global warming requiring trillions in new taxes to combat what is essentially a myth.

As a Democrat, are you ready for fewer jobs, less economic opportunity, higher gas prices, higher crime rates, political corruption, inflation, and higher taxes?  Is voting for the "Magic D" worth it?

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