Thursday, March 30, 2006

Annex Mexico NOW

America is under invasion by illegal aliens from Mexico. Many of them are nice people who cross the border out of desperation, because they want to feed their families. I am empathetic. I don't want them or their families to go wanting. The problem is their rotten government back in Mexico. It is unbelievably corrupt, inept and inefficient. What the people of Mexico need is a modern Constitutional Republic, with laws that are enforced (unlike say, our immigration laws) and corruption swiftly and publicly punished.

However, there are other Mexican nationals who cross the border because they want to reverse history and take back land that once belonged to Mexico. They see our teaming freeways and gleaming skyscrapers and want to remake it in the image of Tijuana. So they come here with contempt for our immigration laws, hold huge rallies and wave Mexican flags, the flag of the country they are loyal to. They do not come here to assimilate, to become American. They come here to become an acid that weakens the cultural mortar that holds any nation together: a common language, a common culture, defined borders. Many of them are quite upfront about the fact that their goal is to reclaim the American Southwest for Meh-hi-co.

Sorry muchachas, I have a better idea. We annexed the Southwest from Mexico in the 1840's and now it's time to finish the job. Let's annex the rest of Mexico and call it "lower California." Let's arrest their corrupt leaders and hold them for trial. Let's fire every corrupt Mexican cop and two-bit politician and start over from scratch.

Mexico is a country with immense national resources, and we could use them, especially the oil. When it is Lower California instead of Meh-hi-co, we can then process the oil as American crude. The good people of Lower California are hard workers who have suffered far too long from the poverty of their former 3rd World Country that is now the South end of El Colosso del Norte. We will flood our new state with industry, investment and jobs. We will use the natural resources to build modern roads and buildings. People will no longer have to swim the Rio Grande or traverse Saguaro forests in burning deserts to get to America. Because they will already be here!

However, we will still insist they learn proper English. They'll need it to read their credit card statements and tax bills. Welcome to the USA folks.


  1. It's been done before: William Walker, my great and distant and psychopathic relative captured Sonora and Baja, Mexico. I'm all for it.

    I don't know if this will take you to the post on William Walker but I'll try it:
    My title

  2. Dag, don't be too hard on your relative. Yes, the fact that he wanted to conquer Mexico could be evidence of a psychopathic condition. However, my motivations are completely altruistic. Since so many Mexicans want to come to America, I think we should bring America to them. No more need for a big fence or border guards! We are all Americans now.

  3. Yes, I think I can agree to that.

    William Walker, though, was a bit on the shakey side of bad temper, summarily exiecuting people who upset him. That's a bit harsh even where I come from. Other than that, he's a first rate guy.

  4. Europe needs to annexe Mexico more than the US. We need that hot blooded Latino Catholic 'Ban the condoms and shoot it up the quinny' attitude. Otherwise we'll be outbred by the muzzie clone machine.

    Send us you're horniest raunchiest Catholic progenitors before Christianity becomes extinct from Spain to Lapland.

  5. Mustafa, I agree. We are dying out due to our failure to reproduce our numbers, while the Muzzies breed like rabbits. Any white Christians who fail to have children are committing suicide with our culture and our Western civilization.

  6. Very best site. Keep working. Will return in the near future.
