Thursday, August 10, 2006

Profiling Needed Now

Today we learn the "Religion of Peace" had a plot to destroy up to 20 commercial airplanes by smuggling bomb components aboard aircraft and assembling them in the bathroom. The Muslim terrorists who were captured claim that they are just the tip of the iceberg, that there are many more involved in the plot which they say will be "cataclysmic."

The mainstrean news media, of course, don't mention that the plotters were Muslims. This insane censoring of the Islamic-terrorist connection has really got to stop. The public needs to know the truth so they can make informed decisions.

One of those decisions is that airport profiling must begin IMMEDIATELY. Anyone who looks like he or she comes from a terrorist/Muslim nation should be questioned, wanded and their luggage searched. The P.C. idiocy of scrutinizing everyone equally is insanity. Virtually all of the terrorists are Muslims, so being Muslim should be a red flag for special attention. Profiling will save lives even while it offends liberal sensibilities. Israel has used profiling for forty years and have had no successful terrorist attacks against their airlines during the same period.

On almost a daily basis we see continuing evidence that Islam is a dangerous threat to the West, that Muslim nations mean us harm and plot to kill our people in great numbers. Still, we have arrogant blowhards like Percival (read the comments to my last post) who pretend that Islam is not inherently violent or dangerous and that it is "bigoted" to think so.

Call us all the names you like, liberals. We intend to survive and you don't have to like it.

Victor David Hanson points out that Jihad has occurred for centuries and is endemic to Islam:

So much is obvious — facts of the historical record. Yet listen to a respected historian in a conservative magazine: “Muslim holy wars (“jihads”), as taught in the Koran, were first and foremost a personal inner struggle for moral purity” and only secondarily a war against infidels. So all those Muslim armies that conquered the Christian Near East, North Africa, Egypt, Spain, Sicily, the Balkans, all that plunder, slaughter, rape, enslavement, kidnapping, and destruction were only the "secondary” jihad. How could such blindness to the obvious, masquerading as sophisticated “tolerance,” not arouse contempt in the minds of our adversaries? They tell us over and over that they are waging jihad in order to establish the global hegemony of Islam, and we tell ourselves that these Muslims don't understand their own religion. Millions and millions of Muslims all over the world cheer for the jihadists and support them materially and psychologically, millions idolize bin Laden and celebrate the murder of Westerners, but we tell ourselves that they are a minority of confused souls whose minds have been addled by poverty or autocracy or anger over the Palestinians.

Are you listening Percival?

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