Sunday, August 31, 2008

Liberal San Francisco Chronicle Spins Arrest of Anarchists in St. Paul has a breaking story of anarchists arrested in St. Paul, Minnesota, who were planning to disrupt the Republican National Convention (hat tip: Atlas Shrugs). The police issued a statement as to the riot equipment found.

The statement said the items found in the searches included:

Materials to create "sleeping dragons" (PVC pipe, chicken wire, duct tape), which is when protesters lock themselves together
Large amounts of urine, including three to five gallon buckets of urine
Wrist rockets (high-powered slingshots)
A machete, hatchet and several throwing knives
a gas mask and filter
Empty glass bottles
Flammable liquids
Homemade caltrops (devises used to disable buses in roads)
Metal pipes
Bolt cutters
Sledge hammers
Rapelling equipment
Kryptonite locks
Empty plastic buckets cut and made into shields
Material for protective padding
An Army helmet.

The five people being held at the Hennepin County jail are under arrest on suspicion of conspiracy to riot, conspiracy to commit civil disorder and conspiracy to damage property.

Photographs of seized material also include Ninja foot spikes, Smoke in the Can, several buckets of human unine, a published venue of convention disruption and various anarchist literature.

The leftwing San Francisco Chronicle, however, has omitted any mention of the above and has spun the story as an RNC plot to disrupt legitimate dissent. An article posted at SF Gate, the Chronicle's online arm, quotes "peaceful protestors" as follows:

I think (Friday night's raid) was a scare tactic to not go to the big demonstration Monday," said Monica Trinidad, a 22-year-old University of Illinois at Chicago student who was handcuffed outside the center Friday night as she was returning to see what was going on. "But I don't think it's going to work."

Hal Muskat, a 61-year-old San Franciscan and member of Veterans for Peace, said the arrests might attract even more protesters. "It was a tactic to try and take out the leaders," he said. "I know some people don't like to go out in the streets. But when anybody within a 12-hour drive hears about what's going on here, they're going to want to be here with us on Monday."

The San Francisco Chronicle's propaganda piece, of course, does not mention the riot gear, weapons and published disruption agenda noted above. It then ends with the above advertisement for more radicals to join the war on America.

Photo above right: Manuals for anarchy were among the materials seized in the raids. Source: St. Paul Police Department

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