Monday, September 15, 2008

US to Sell 1000 Bunker Buster Bombs to Israel

According to Newsmax, the United States has agreed to sell 1000 bunker buster bombs to Israel. It would appear that Israel is indeed taking steps to take out Iran's nuclear facilities. Bunker buster bombs are designed to penetrate hardened targets such as these.

Newsmax writes:

The Pentagon has approved the sale of 1,000 bunker-busting smart bombs to Israel, a deal worth $77 million. According to, the bombs could be used to penetrate heavily fortified targets, such as suspected nuclear sites located in underground bunkers.

The Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA), the Pentagon department responsible for evaluating foreign military sales, notified Congress over the weekend about the pending sale. Congress now has 30 days to voice its objections.

Read it all here.

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