Thursday, October 23, 2008

Ask Any Democrat: Politics is War by Other Means

There are all kinds of nasty but true stories circulating on the net today, about how Obama and the Democrats are stealing this election through illegal and unethical means.

First, Obama has received and is still receiving millions of dollars in illegal contributions, both domestic and foreign. See Powerline's article today, "Who Is John Galt?" Obama's website accepts all kinds of suspicious donations from fictitious persons without matching the donor's name to the credit card number given. McCain's website does it legally and will not accept such donations. Obama is breaking the law and McCain is abiding by it.

No one will do anything about it. When Democrats do illegal and unethical things, it's just fine. Laws only apply to Republicans.

Second, the mainstream media is in the midst of a long, slanderous and negative propaganda effort against John McCain. Pew Research Center shows that for the past several weeks, media coverage of McCain has been largely negative while providing positive coverage of Obama. See graph at right.
Yesterday, CNN ambushed Sarah Palin with a very negative quote about her that was misattributed to National Review Online. Palin was told that a writer at National Review Online had stated that "I can't tell if Sarah Palin is incompetent, stupid, unqualified, corrupt or all of the above.” No National Review writer said any such thing. One (Byron York) was describing the liberal media's portrayal of Palin. He was not describing Palin herself nor his opinion of her. CNN had grossly misrepresented the facts and has refused to either retract their assertion or apologize for them.
Greta Van Susteren of FOX stated on the air that "CNN was either incompetent or really dirty." Bill O'Reilly said CNN's stunt was "off the chart dishonest."
Third, an Obama win will be just the beginning of "Biased Media." Democrats have stated their intention to bring back the "Fairness Doctrine" that will effectively end talk radio. The Machiavellian Democrats have no scruples whatsoever when it comes to fairness or balance or free speech. The only kind of speech that matters is the kind that keeps them in power.
So say goodbye to Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Mark Levin, Michael Medved and many other Republican pundits. There will no longer be an alternative media to blow the whistle on folks like CNN. If you think I'm overstating the case, see Senator Jeff Bingham (D-NM) at Moonbattery describe his intention to shut down conservative radio sites -- including the one that was interviewing him!
Politics is "war by other means." The Democrats know this and have pursued a scorched earth policy on Republicans for years. Nevertheless, this election has to be the dirtiest, most ruthless and most corrupt in American history.

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