Saturday, March 26, 2011

Another Black Conservative Returns

Another Black Conservative (ABC) is a well-written blog that links to many interesting black conservatives; however, it is not primarily about black people.  It's about conservatives vs. liberals.

I had linked to ABC for some time until its author dropped out of blogging for awhile, then deleted the link when no new posts were forthcoming.  I generally delete blogs from my blogroll that do not post regularly.  So many blogs begin with enthusiasm, and then suddenly die but are not deleted.  So I make room for active blogs by deleting those who are moribund.

However, ABC is now back in operation and so I am reinstalling it to my blog roll.

Welcome back, ABC!  You were missed.


  1. Thanks for letting us know, Stogie.

    I love all my bookmarks when my machine crashed last month, and I'm pleased to bookmark ABC again.

  2. You have no idea how good it feels to get back in the game!

  3. Glad to see you back, Clifton. Hope your life and career are going well!
