Friday, June 15, 2012

Changes to Saber Point

I recently changed my banner.  I just got bored with the same old thing.  Hope you like it.

I also changed my commenting system to Disqus.  Let me know if you have any problems accessing the commenting section and leaving comments.

Using a commenting system other than blogger's can be dangerous.  A couple of years back I changed my commenting system, which increased its price tenfold after one year.  I ditched it, but in the process lost hundreds of comments, some of which represented long debates and useful discussions.  I have Disqus working in tandem with blogger, so if I stop using Disqus, I should still retain all comments.

Please try out the Disqus commenting system and let me know of any problems, at stogiechomper "at"


  1. New banner looks good! 

  2. Thanks Proof!  I have also been updating my blog roll, and I will be sure to add you.
