Saturday, June 30, 2012

The Sickening Reality of the Obamacare Decision

I really wasn't surprised by the Supreme Court's decision on Obamacare.  I generally expect the worst while hoping for the best.  When I turned on the radio Thursday morning on the way to work, and learned of Justice John Roberts' utterly asinine position, it was mere confirmation of what I already knew:  America is over.  America was over when Americans elected Barack Obama to be President of the United States.

Now that we can finally acknowledge the death of America, perhaps we can move on to finding a way to resurrect her, or, if not all of her, perhaps part of her, through an association or even secession of like-minded states (like Arizona and Texas).  I know it sounds bizarre, like something out of a cheap novel, but it's way past time to realize that the federal government (including and especially the Supreme Court) is the enemy of freedom -- at least in its present form.

It's time to realize that our Constitution and Bill of Rights are dead letters.  The statists will enforce them when convenient, or when they can twist their original meaning and purpose to somehow increase federal power over the individual.  They will not enforce them merely to protect the individual from an overweening federal government.

One of the immediate acts that can be taken is nullification.  Nullification is when individual states refuse to implement or obey federal laws that violate the Constitution.  This is not "rebellion against law," because unconstitutional enactments are not law.  Thomas Jefferson wrote in the Kentucky Resolutions that “whensoever the [federal] government assumes undelegated powers, its acts are unauthoritative, void, and of no force…”

Let the peaceful revolution begin.

Related post:  The Republic of the United States of America is Dead


  1. What's driving me crazy right now (Besides the weather and the aftermath of Friday's "land hurricane"): The Obama administration is spinning this tax -- That is what it IS! -- as a penalty for not having gotten health insurance.

    Well, some people who had health insurance had to drop the coverage because the rates have soared to the moon!

    And just how the hell are those who have lost their jobs supposed to afford COBRA rates and the rates for most private policies?

  2. .

    "Traitor"? "America is over. America was over when Americans elected Barack Obama to be President of the United States." "Nullification".

    One is looking directly at 'the rule of law' as practiced in USA. Really, the rule of law. And you calling "Traitor"?! Where in the world do you live?

    This is USA, the will of the people, and how the system works. The people’s Congress passed the ACA. The people's President of USA has signed the ACA bill into law. The people's Supreme Court of USA has declared the ACA constitutional. The people's government will govern and implement the ACA. Like the positive and popular Social Security program, Medicare/Medicaid programs, and now ACA - we the people witness government of the people, by the people, and for the people in all its glory!

    You presented your case for your backward gloom and doom ideas and the people have said "no". Get over yourself. Now is it possible to acknowledge your whole pipe-dream ideology nonsense was foolishly wrong?

    USA still lives as the land of the free, home of the brave. Having a safety net under the high-flying trapeze artist does not prevent the artist from being any better or worse than the individual wants to be. It does not constrict a person's sense of freedom, either.

    The crux of the matter is ever so simple. You have convince yourself that you do not want a safety net for others (for reasons known only to the universe). It pi$$es you off to no end to think that there are many others who do want a higher quality of life and are willing to pay for it. Add to this point, the fact that it is Mr Obama who has been able to accomplish this transitional effort - and you have come totally hysterical.

    Nullification ...? "This is not "rebellion against law," because unconstitutional enactments are not law." ACA is Constitutional.

    Life will continue to get better in USA. You will benefit directly from life's improvements in USA. And you will kick, scream, and deny that Mr Obama should be given credit for moving USA forward.

    Ema Nymton

  3. Ema, under Obama life in the USA has gotten worse, much worse, not better. ACA is not remotely Constitutional. And, health care will be more expensive than ever and a lot more scarce. Furthermore, Social security is bankrupt, so much for your example. Also, the people DO NOT WANT Obamacare -- it is hugely unpopular with the American people. We are seeing a radical president forcing his socialist nostrums on an unwilling public.

  4. Ema,

    Even assuming that Obamacare will provide the benefits you expect (very unlikely), even assuming that it is fiscally sound (impossible), the change you want to believe in has to be consistent with our Constitution. I don't suppose you care much about this document created by the greatest assemblage of political minds in history, but it is the ultimate foundation of the rule of law that protects us from the kind of arbitrary government that our country's founders were acquainted with and were determined to prevent for all future generations of Americans.

    Liberty (or as you would probably insist on calling it, "freedom") doesn't just happen. It's not part of the nature of things, as people throughout history and most of humankind today would assure you. It depends on a fragile system that understands human imperfections, the drive for power, the temptation to ignore time-tested protocols in order to "get things done." That understanding is embodied in our Constitution, which (with the Bill of Rights) was designed above all to set limits to federal power over the individual.

    Leaving everything else aside, a federal law requiring individuals to purchase medical insurance and penalize them if they do not is 180 degrees opposite from the spirit and law of the Constitution. Sensible people buy insurance, either through their workplace or on their own, but it is no business of the government's if they choose not to. In any case, Obamacare isn't intended to benefit responsible people but to add yet another dozen layers of bureaucracy to the federal government, in aid of creating yet more dependency on Washington and less individual responsibility.

    Finally, a law passed entirely by Democrat votes, with not a single Republican vote, can hardly be said to represent the will of the people. Sure, any law has its detractors, but Obamacare is utterly divisive and loathed by a large percentage, possibly a majority, of the population. You're free to disagree with the widespread dissent, but you can't honestly claim this is the way change should work.

  5. .

    Rick Darby,

    "... has to be consistent with our Constitution. I don't suppose you care
    much about this document created by the greatest assemblage of political
    minds in history, but it is the ultimate foundation of the rule of law
    that protects us from the kind of arbitrary government that our
    country's founders were acquainted with and were determined to prevent
    for all future generations of Americans."

    "... has to be consistent with our Constitution."

    ACA is consistent with Constitution of USA.

    " I don't suppose you care
    much about this document created by the greatest assemblage of political
    minds in history, but it is the ultimate foundation of the rule of law
    that protects us from the kind of arbitrary government that our
    country's founders were acquainted with and were determined to prevent
    for all future generations of Americans."

    Are you referring to the Constitution of USA that was ratified in September 1787? Because if you are the writers were very wise people and knew that for the ideas in the the document to survive the Constitution had to be a living document; changeable to meet the changing needs of the people. The Constitution of USA that was ratified in September 1787 is outdated.

    "Finally, a law passed entirely by Democrat votes, with not a single
    Republican vote, can hardly be said to represent the will of the people."
    Sure can, it is the name of the game. The RepublicanT Party bet all or nothing. The RepublicanT Party lost and came up with nothing. The people won and came home with ACA.

    Ema Nymton

  6. 66% of the people you pretend to speak for, oppose Obamacare. We will get rid of it, as soon as we turn the Democrats out in a massive landslide in November.

  7. AddisonDewitt7/22/2012 2:43 PM

    ' At best, we are headed to a two-tiered system where the rich and well-insured get all the health care money can buy while the poor get only what ObamaCare decides is absolutely necessary. Obama, Pelosi and Judge Roberts will not be subject to ObamaCare, ever. But they demand YOU will.Today in America, even the sickest person who hobbles into the emergency room gets virtually the same care as the rich. Thanks to ObamaCare, that will change. No longer can a secretary with cancer get the same care as a politician with the same cancer.The secretary will wait, perhaps for months, and then receive whatever a faceless, nameless board decides is the minimum care necessary, while the politician will get whatever advancements are available that he or his insurance company can afford. Since the decision also invalidated the financial penalty (Sorry, was it a penalty or a tax?) states would incur if they refused to expand Medicaid as told, many of the 30 million additional people ObamaCare claims to insure will never have the opportunity as states refuse the Medicaid expansion integral in increasing coverage.So what does ObamaCare accomplish? It ruined health care for the middle class and preserved and enshrined the advantages of health care for the rich, while eliminating and degrading care for the poor, increasing unemployment, and depressing economic development. What a deal. '

    If Obamacare stands, you can kiss good bye employer provided healthcare insurance. Most companies will pay the $2,000 per employee fine per year than pay $1,500 per employee per month it costs for health insurance. A corporation that has 10,000-50,000 employees, their savings ? You do the strapped small businesses and city-county-state entities whose budget is already in the red ? They will save big bucks by dropping employers covered healthcare, those on pensions where the employers pays most the healthcare ? Gone. You can all go on the government exchanges. Can you imagine the screaming when the liberals start losing their employee healthcare ? All those who do not get health insurance from their employor will now be on the government plan.,,,but that is the whole plan behind ObamaCare they WANT everyone to eventually be on the government plan- Obama even said so..he said it would not happen overnight but that eventually private insurance plans would be destroyed..and that is the long term goal of ObamaCare.

  8. AddisonDewitt7/22/2012 2:47 PM

    Over on a hobby board I frequent on FB one of my UK friends said this when another gal mentioned she had fallen and hurt her knee badly and now has to sell some collectibles to pay here out of pocket expenses:"You must have been in a lot of pain, I hope they sort it quickly for you. Here we dont have to pay the same way for treatment although you do pay national insurance which is stopped from your salary whilst you are working gosh mine would have bought resins ($400 items) every month. But the health service is in such a mess it is a lottery whether you get treatment in time my brother died because he was on the waiting list too long, and had become too ill by the time he was offered a by pass operation."Coming to a US hospital near you-if "ObamaCare" stands. You liberals think "oh that could never happen in " America", LOL...wake up. Ema- I hope you will be one of the many who will have to wait, and the wait will prove too long.
