Monday, February 27, 2006

Is the West Awakening to the Islamic Threat?

There are signs that the world is slowly awakening to the Islamic threat and the true nature of Islam, i.e. a terrorist, totalitarian ideology built on hatred and intolerance. The awakening is happening even in France, which I had all but written off. Massive crowds turned out over the weekend to protest the recent kidnapping and torture-murder of a young Jewish man, Ilan Halimi. Everyone seems to know the source of the violence: Islam. People worldwide are becoming fed up with Islam and its violent tendencies and are resolving to do something about it.

A lot of people are thinking the following:
1. Halt or greatly reduce Muslim immigration into the West. Muslims are not loyal to any country, but only to Islam.
2. Identify and deport those preaching hate and violence.
3. Remove tax benefits to Islam from being a religion. Islam is not merely a religion, but is a hostile political ideology that actively seeks to undermine democracy and other religions through violence.
4. Become energy independent ASAP. Drill Alaska until it looks like a giant piece of Swiss cheese; barbeque the damn caribou if you have to, just get it done. Build more oil refineries in the US, build more nuclear power plants, allow offshore drilling anywhere there is oil. Find ways to harvest the oil from the oilshale under Colorado. Use more coal for heating homes. Encourage, even fund research into new energy technologies, like hydrogen fuel cell cars.
5. Isolate the Islamic world to where they cannot harm us. In hindsight, the Iraq war may be a mistake: you cannot turn a Muslim country into a tolerant, pluralistic democracy. You may be able to turn them into an intolerant democracy that still hates our guts and wishes to do us harm. In any case, Iraq no longer appears worth the money and the blood.
6. Improve our intelligence capabilities and increase our effectiveness at spying on those enemies who want to do us harm, both foreign and domestic.
7. Aim our missile defense systems on every Muslim capital, as well as Mecca and Medina. Make it clear that any further attacks on the West or Israel may result in our nuking the sources and foundations of the evil religion that fostered them. Don’t worry about angering the “moderate Muslims.” They are never going to love us anyway.

1 comment:

  1. Stogie,
    You might find this essay of interest. According to Mr. Alexander, the West still has some serious waking-up to do!
