Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Islam is Lethal Even to Muslims

The Sunnis and the Shiites continue to bomb each others' mosques in Iraq. Hundreds were killed yesterdary as the Religion of Peace continues to add to its long death toll. Islam is deadly to everyone, including the Muslims who live under it.

I have supported the war in Iraq from the beginning, under the assumption that a democratic Iraq in the heart of the Middle East would eventually lead to modernity throughout the whole region. I am now beginning to think I was naive. Pluralistic, tolerant democracy cannot exist in the Middle East along side Islam. The two are mutually exclusive. The only way our war in Iraq could work is if we destroyed Islam along with Saddam's rule. That, of course, would mean greater opposition than we now face there and much greater casualties. Without the destruction of Islam, however, the effort is doomed to fail. It would be sort of like trying to civilize cannibals without insisting on a change in their diets.

The conclusion is undebatable: Islam is irredeemably violent and intolerant and imcompatible with either democracy or peace. There is no environment in which it will become so. The only solution to Muslim violence is to isolate the Islamic world, contain them, and eschew any and all contact with them, economic or otherwise, as far as that is possible. Until we achieve energy self-sufficiency, that cannot happen.

Achieving energy self-sufficiency should then take on a high priority for the West, surpassing even the Manhattan project as a matter of urgency.


  1. Don't know if this will help any, but did you know that Cold Fusion isn't completely dead?
    Lots of good info there. It isn't a mature technology yet, but it's come a long way in 16 years. I've even found reference to 2 commercial developments 1 from Korea and another from Canada. For some bass-akward reason the US will not issue patents for this technology.
    Keep on bloggin' blue-blood brother.

  2. Thanks Bro!

    Let's hope Cold Fusion is real. We could then give the Oil Sheiks the cold shoulder!
