Friday, March 31, 2006

Shariah Law Must Go

I ran across this interesting and intelligent analysis from a Canadian journalist, David Warren, of the Ottawa Citizen. He writes:
We cannot pretend for long, the way President Bush has been doing (albeit from humane and sound tactical motives to begin with), that the Shariah is compatible with freedom and democracy. The systems of government we advocate, or by necessity impose, must explicitly provide civil protection to non-Muslims and Muslims alike, against Shariah courts and their rulings. I have come to realize there is no alternative to this.

Emphasis added by Stogie. I do think David is on to something. Pure democracy won't do for Islamic countries. They need constitutional republics, that is governments where the rights of minorities (especially religion minorities) are protected.

Read the entire article here.

1 comment:

  1. Nice colors. Keep up the good work. thnx!
