Tuesday, April 18, 2006

100 Years Ago Today: The San Francisco Earthquake of 1906

Since we Californians were children we have heard legends of the Great Quake of Ought Six, the massive earthquake that destroyed many buildings throughout the Bay Area. But the quake wasn't the worst of it. It broke a lot of gas mains, and when people tried to light their ovens or turn on the gas in their homes, fires ignited everywhere. Soon the shattered city was an inferno, with huge smoke clouds and a strange wind created by the sucking fires.

Today a hundred years have passed.
A moment of silence for those who died there on April 18, 1906.


  1. Thank you for this post, Stogie. My Ionian Greek former dhimmi relatives immigrated to San Francisco and my Great-Grandmother used to hold me on her lap and tell me about the earthquake and how terrified they all were (she was born in 1892). I've always been fascinated, and even lived in the Bay Area for a year myself.

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