Sunday, April 02, 2006

A Blog Like a Punch in the Gut

D.T. Devareaux is a fantastic digital artist who runs a blog called "The Study of Revenge." His cartoons present more commentary than a thousand word essay. One look is like having received a long lecture on the subject matter in an instant. That's how much his artwork conveys. Take a look at his latest creation, "My Choice," about the abortion issue. Be forewarned: this is not for the liberal feminist. This latest is like a slug in the gut, as tactless as tear gas and as subtle as an electrified fence.

D.T. leaves no wiggle room for rationalizing evil, no way of painting a happy face on the vulgar and rotten. He really kicks ass. D.T., in my opinion, has great moral courage and a backbone of steel. I like that even more than I like his fabulous art.

Not too long ago, the Islamonazis that he loves to skewer flagged his blog as "hateful." Soon thereafter, Google stopped listing his blog on their list, though you can still access it from the internet and also find it with a search engine. They also applied a content warning to anyone who who visits his blog that it may contain "hateful content." It doesn't seem to matter, though: one of his posts gathers more comments than all of mine put together. He uses as his logo the picture of the Invisible Man; but D.T. isn't invisible: Google only wishes he were. (Update: the picture of the Invisible Man has disappeared from Google's repository so I have replaced it with one of my favorite D.T. cartoons. Does the cartoon say it all or what?)

So do check out D.T.'s blog. Now I am going to go link it before I forget.


  1. Life is a mirror, from which we learn much about ourselves. When we see the good in others it is a reflection of our own good. When we see hatred, deception and evil it too is a reflection from deep within.
    Perhaps a lot of people have not heard this, and thereby are denied the opportunity to understand it, and learn from life.
    Had Christ's true message not been fooled with for the benefit of the church - more would know this. I suspect the same is true of other churches - I mean businesses!

    You are what you eat, you get what you promote, you reap what you sow, are all expressions of reflection from the mirror of life.

    I can see common ground despite the walls of the paradigms. Common ground is a platfrom to build on. Walls sheild the reflections! Ignorance is the lack of learning.

    Remember the old saying, "Be careful what you ask for - you just might get it."? How many ever take the time you ponder that, and see just how true it is?

    I ask that you all have a wonderful life. May I have that?


  2. Read the comments on Derek's "Mohammed" cartoon, the graphic that got him started as a major public figure. Yes, interviewed by television and all. He's so witty I laugh and laugh. And what an artist. Look for his sculpture as well on the Internet.

  3. Very pretty design! Keep up the good work. Thanks.

  4. Very best site. Keep working. Will return in the near future.
