Sunday, April 02, 2006

How to Win the War with Islam

The first book I read on the subject of Islam and its implications for Western civilization was The Sword of the Prophet by Serge Trifkovic. I was astounded by what I learned about Muhammad and the violent religion he founded.

Trifkovic is still making sense and has released a new book, Defeating Jihad. Last Friday posted a must-read interview with Trifkovic. Trifkovic advocates strong medicine for the jihad disease, one that will taste very bitter to the leftists-liberals-Democrats-Dhimmi Fascists who are doing their best to commit cultural sucicide on behalf of all Westerners.

Trifkovic states that energy independence for the West is an essential part of our overall strategy, as well as actively profiling Muslims in the West, stopping Islamic immigration into the West, and deporting those non-citizens who are still here.

I would go a step further and deport the citizens who are potential jihadists too, on the grounds that they lied when taking the oath of citizenship, which is to elevate the U.S. Constitution as the sole source of law under which they will live. Even "peaceful" Muslims are a threat, because their religion commands them to commit violence and to lie about their true intentions (a practice known as taqiyya) in order to defeat their enemies. Meanwhile, they are in the West, breeding like rabbits in order to overtake us demographically 50 years from now. When they are finally a numeric majority, that's when the true face of Islam will be unveiled, when it's too late to do anything about it. The U.S. Constitution will be replaced by Sharia and those of us allowed to live will be reduced to the status of Dhimmis.

The insanity of doing nothing is demonstrated by Trikovic, who quotes author Antonio Socci.
Socci states that in the past century some 50 million Christians have been killed primarily or exclusively for the reason of their faith and that an average of 160,000 Christians have been killed every year since 1990, the vast majority by Muslims in the Third World. Predictably, this ongoing slaughter is ignored by the mass media and Christians in the West.

Trifkovic tells what we must do to defeat Islam:
It demands a sustained, bold response that has failed to materialize so far. We are losing the war because our elite class does not allow the enemy to be defined. The
squeamishness of European and American bien-pensants alike in naming the
enemy is but one sign of a shared malaise that hampers a coherent effort....The
victory will come not by conquering Mecca for America, but by disengaging
America from Mecca (energy independence is a must!) and by excluding Mecca from America with a new immigration policy, soberly defined and rigorously enforced. The risk can, and must, be managed wisely, resolutely, and permanently.

Much of what Trifkovic advocates will be impossible unless we first remove the leftist-Dhimmi-liberal hold on our levers of power. We must replace them with elected officials who understand both the threat and the solution.

1 comment:

  1. Hi! Just want to say what a nice site. Bye, see you soon.
