Saturday, April 29, 2006

Chicken Comedy Central Revisited

UPDATE to my post of April 15 - I finally saw the South Park episode that generated so much sound and fury among the conservative blogosphere. After viewing it, I can only conclude that WE'VE BEEN HAD. It was obvious to me that the screen that "censored" the image of Mohammed in the South Park episode was all part of the joke....and the point the authors were trying to make.

The entire show was all about networks and cartoon programs caving into the Muslims by refusing to show an image of Mohammed. So Kyle finally talks the TV network showing "The Family Guy" cartoon to go ahead with its broadcast of an episode with Mohammed. When they do, a black screen pops up and says that "Comedy Central has refused to show an image of Mohammed on their Network." In so doing, the whole point of the episode was demonstrated more effectively. If Mohammed had been shown, the episode would not have been nearly as effective.

This wasn't self-censorship, it was parody and was done on purpose. I am surprised that so many people didn't get the joke...or the point.

Comedy Central aren't cowards, just devilishly clever.


  1. Interesting theory, Stogie, but I've read an interview with the writers/Producers of South Park, and they were pissed that Comedy Central censored them.

    On the other hand, they all got a lot of free publicity out of it, so it could have all been a stunt.

  2. Pas, the sign that popped up looked as if it were drawn in a similar way to other artwork in South Park. It looked like part of the cartoon, not a separate graphic overlayed by the network. Also, the censorship was exactly as described in the "Family Guy" sequence of the episode.

  3. The casual observer to the SP episode probably won't get it. I have been a SP fan since its inception 10 years ago and the satire of the blacked out image was a stroke of genious.

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  5. Great site loved it alot, will come back and visit again.
