Thursday, April 27, 2006

May 1: Celebrate Freedom From Illegals Day

Brian Sussman, a conservative talk show host in the San Francisco Bay Area (KSFO, 560 AM), had a good idea today. Well, actually the credit goes to one of his callers. On May 1 the illegal immigrants are going to teach us all a lesson by staying home that day and not buying anything or doing any work. So we will call May 1 "Freedom From Illegals Day"! The freeways should be less crowded and everyone at the supermarket will speak English. Unfortunately, the illegals will still flock to the free medical clinics and welfare agencies to drain off public resources that they never paid for (but we taxpayers did). Oh well, half a burrito is better than none.

Some hispanic Leftist today claimed that calling an illegal immigrant an "illegal immigrant" was in fact a racial slur similar to the N word that bigots apply to black people. Nice try, Jorge. Liberals always believe they can erase any social problem (or shut off unwanted criticism) by redefining the language. Well if "illegal immigrant" is a slur, we can always call them "criminal immigrants." The latter is more accurately descriptive anyway.

Those who want to come to America should apply for immigration legally. So go home, illegals, and take your Mexican flags and Che Guevara T shirts with you. As actor Jack Nicholson once remarked, "Go sell crazy someplace else. We're all stocked up here."


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