Saturday, May 06, 2006

The Romance of Suicide Bombings

My friend Ken at Islamic Evil has a picture of a Palestinian suicide bomber after he pushed the detonation button. It's pretty graphic, so don't look at it if you are about to eat breakfast. The bomber is face down in his own guts, the entire bottom part of his body is gone. His trigger finger appears to have been frozen in place at the moment he pushed the button.

Yes, you Palestinians and other Muslim nutballs ought to have a good look at this glorious fate you aspire to. Do you really want to look like that?

And the most important question is this: without a pecker, what are you going to do with 72 virgins?

Just asking.


  1. I hope they take your point well!!!

    As for the last sentence - Yeah, what guys?


  2. Gather the bits up, mix them with something to disguise the taste and then feed them to pigs. Allah won't want you in his brothel after you've been metabolised into bacon.

  3. ROP, great idea! We really should do radical things like this to make the bombers think twice.

    Another thing I would do, besides bulldozing their parents' house, is to take their younger siblings away and raise them as Jews.

  4. "But our relative perceptions of truth, and the expression of these beliefs as dogma in our lives, have an insidious and dangerous potential to pigeon-hole our critical thinking in subtle ways. It is this conundrum which is at the root of our struggle to make good choices."

    We are being side tracked by issues while here at home - They are taking your farm to give you a freeway! (think patriot act! )


  5. Very best site. Keep working. Will return in the near future.

  6. Great site lots of usefull infomation here.
