Friday, May 05, 2006

Some Good News for a Change

Atlas Shrugs reports this morning that President George Bush declared that America will never abandon Israel. It's about time someone made a clear, unambiguos declaration of that fact, or as I wrote in my blog post of March 15, 2006:'s time for the West stop the bullshit and tell the truth: We will never allow you Muslims to destroy Israel. Thank you, Mr. President, for an all too rare expression of clarity on this issue.

Other good news, per the American Thinker, is that 16,000 African Muslims convert to Christianity every day, or six million per year. Muslim clerics are concerned about the huge numbers, to say the least. This, in spite of continuing genocide against Christians and other non-Muslims in Darfur. Without brute force to hold its members in the flock, Islam would lose millions more who would undoubtedly leave this evil religion as well. Hey Muslims, it's all coming apart isn't it?

Both of the above events are exactly what we need to defeat Islamic aggression: moral clarity and resolve, and millions of former Muslims converting to peaceful religions throughout the world.

Another note of good news, per Real Clear Politics (hat tip to Power Line) is that the coming glorious Democrat victory in the 2006 elections may be a lot of hot air. Bush's falling poll numbers may reflect dissatisfaction with Bush, but not necessarily Republicans in general. Dumping Republicans for Democrats is like firing a bank clerk for stealing petty cash and hiring Al Capone to replace him.

Ha! This good news makes my day.


  1. Ah ha! So the clerks are stealing petty cash!

    I think it is time I joined the libertarian party. The staus qou just aint getting it anymore!!


  2. Gary,

    If only there were another party or two to choose from. We've got Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum. As Simon and Garfunkle used to sing, "When you think about it, when you have to choose, no matter how you look at it, you lose." Or words to that effect.

  3. The libertarians are coming on--
    I admit I was excited by the Atlas shrugs in your post. The book by Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged - posits the objectivism philosophy which I really like. The libertarians seem to go along those lines.
    I say give them a chance - I really like thier talk!


  4. Gary, I started "Atlas Shrugged" but haven't finished it. I did read two other Ann Rand books though, "Anthem" and "The Fountainhead." I enjoyed them.

  5. I am still registered as republican, and as indicated that is about to change. I do not see the move as jumping form a sinking ship, I see it as manning the pumps!! I would love to see this country head back to the Jeffersonian start it had!


  6. I do not know about you, but I believe in syncronicity.

    So - this morn I come in to work a little early to walk thru our wonderful farmers market. Wham, right off the bat I am asked to sign a petition. I say I need to re-register from where I used to live - wham the form is in my hand.

    So - I did it! I can truly say I hope others follow, as did I!


  7. Gary, I believe in synchronicity too. I think it is the idea that "the whole is greater than the sum of its parts." Basically it means that minds working in tandem towards common goals sometimes achieve a level of creativity and productivity that single members of the group could never achieve all by themselves.

  8. Couldn't have said it better myself!

    I knew we had some agreement in us!


  9. Nice idea with this site its better than most of the rubbish I come across.
