Saturday, October 07, 2006

The Fall Elections

Sorry for the dearth of postings lately. I have a good project in Silicon Valley that pays well and I have been spending a lot of time in the car commuting to and fro. When I get home at night I have been practicing my new string bass rather than blogging. These fingers need to pluck strings once in awhile rather than just pushing keys on a keyboard.

The November elections loom on the horizon and many folks say the Democrats will regain control of the House. For some reason I do not feel particularly chagrined or alarmed. I would vote for a one-eyed bow-legged toad frog before I'd vote for a Democrat, but somehow my gut doesn't tell me to be alarmed at November. Maybe it's because I find it hard to believe the American people are that foolish, especially in light of continuing Muslim attempted terrorism throughout the world, including the U.S. Do they really want to give control to a Party that hates the military, distrusts the intelligence agencies, and discloses covert operations against terrorism in the pages of the New York Times?

Yes, Bush is a disappointment in many ways. He simply does not care about our porous southern border and seems to agree with the leftists that we should be a nation without borders. He has done almost nothing to stem the tide of illegals, many of whom are criminals and some of whom may be terrorists. Bush is awful, but John Kerry or Al Gore would have been disasters. The Democrats are enthusiastic about illegal immigrants, whom they see as a new pro-Democrat voting constituency. There are no Tom Tancredos in the Democratic Party.

With Democrats in control, you can expect higher taxes (they want to roll back the tax cuts), less military spending (and less protection for you and your family), perhaps a national Kyoto style program against "greenhouse gases" with its dampening effect on the economy (just like the one recently passed by the bizarros who now rule California).

How will the elections affect energy independence? With the Democrats, the chances of ever opening ANWR (in Alaska) to oil drilling would be miniscule to none, not to mention off-shore drilling or the use of nuclear power to make us less dependent on OPEC for energy. You can count on higher gas prices far into the future, but with lots of idiotic speeches about "alternative energy," which is likely to be nothing more than Pie in the Sky for another century. The next time you need to fill up, shove a copy of an Al Gore speech into your gas tank instead.

Yes, picture a life under the Democrats. Taxed to death, terrorized by Muslim extremists, up to your neck in illegal immigrants with a heavily regulated economy that is rapidly going south so that snail darters can flourish. Oh yes, let's punish the Republicans by voting for these folks. And the next time you have a hangnail on your big toe, just get an ax and chop off your whole foot. That'll fix the problem. Ha, you sure showed that hangnail! Feel better?

What we need are more conservative Republicans and fewer Rinos (Republicans In Name Only) like that idiot Lincoln Chafee or that media whore John McCain. What we don't need are anti-American, big taxing Democrats who will gut the military and cede the war on terror to the Islamic enemy (but who will be tough as nails on "greenhouse gases").

But if the Democrat control comes, so be it. Politics are like the ebb and flow of the tides; sometimes you are in the ascendancy and some times you are in descent. It will be interesting to see how the Democrats protect us from terrorism or if new attacks are launched on the United States.

Whatever the outcome, you should vote. Sean Hannity said it best, that you should always vote for who you think will do the better job, and that you should never register a "protest" vote or throw your vote away by staying home on election day. Just picture all those white crosses in Arlington. Is that how you say thanks to the fallen many?

Vote, and vote Republican. They are far from perfect, but at least they aren't the paranoid, anti-American, Machiavellian Democrats. Don't whack off your foot to spite your toe.

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