Saturday, October 14, 2006

Nuance My Ass

Powerline today says the polls are grim for Republicans. With Wishy-Washy George as our leader it is to be expected. Instead of leading the charge with speeches and strong arguments he is nowhere to be found. I'll be glad to get rid of him too, Dhimmicrats, but because he is not nearly rightwing enough.

Condi Rice, whom I once admired and respected, has morphed into a Dhimmi appeaser. She has recently given speeches likening the Palestinians to U.S. Colonialists and to the United States in their fight for independence. She has publicly cried crocodile tears over the "humiliation" of Palestinians under "occupation." Any day now she will probably start saying that Jews are the descendants of apes and pigs. In any case, she has lost all credibility with me.

A lot of the problem is that many Republicans, Bush and Rice included, think they can win elections by running as Democrats. Any Republican who isn't sold on Republican principles and sees elective office as merely a ticket to the hog trough isn't going to be there very long.

I am reminded of Clinton's election in 1992. I wrote down my thoughts as he was preparing to take office. They are below. If you're a Republican you may find them comforting.

My Journal Entry of Sunday, January 17, 1993:
The rain continues in California, and more storms are on the way.
Surely the drought is over. President Bush has resumed the bombing of
Iraq, using smart missiles instead of planes. Washington, D.C. is gearing
up for a big party for the newly elected President, Bill Clinton, someone who
seems the most insubstantial President since "Jimmy" Carter. The liberals,
Democrats and political airheads who think socialism is wonderful and who
quickly align themselves with every passing social fad are all aflutter with how
wonderful the world is now going to be as the Big Chill Democrat transforms
society into the gleaming City of Oz, wipes out poverty, sets aright every
social injustice, purifies the air and water, and assures another millennium or
two of the spotted owl. It's going to be a long four years.

But let's keep things in perspective. This too shall pass.

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