Sunday, January 28, 2007

Response to Leftwing Bloggers Who Attacked KSFO Talk Radio

Newsbusters has continuing coverage of the Leftist assault on conservative KSFO talk radio in San Francisco. Noel Sheppard of Newsbusters debates Mike Stark of Calling All Wingnuts on the subject. Mike Stark assures us that conservatives make many more outrageous comments against the Left than the other way around. Most of us know that is completely false.

Here is the response I left to Mike Stark for his post "Debate" at Calling All Wingnuts.
Mike, you are wilfully uninformed on Leftist hate speech and slander against the Right. I suggest you read "Slander" by Ann Coulter or "Unhinged" by Michelle Malkin. They have lots of quotes uttered with complete sincerity by members of the liberal media and political establishment. When it comes to hate speech and outrageous statements, the Left is unsurpassed.

As for KSFO, you and Spocko have indeed misrepresented the station. I listen to the Lee Rodgers and Melanie Morgan show every weekday morning on the way to work and to the Brian Sussman show ever weekday evening on the way home. The show is largely satire. There have been no sincere statements that anyone should be executed without due process or whatever other silly and insincere charges you want to make.

Let's have an example. The next time you are upset with some conservative and you say "they should hang him to the highest tree" (a common exaggeration that no one would take seriously), maybe we can quote you and say Mike believes in lynching politicians he disagrees with. We can say, oh look at the hate speech from this man! He should apologize to the world and seek therapy.

The other night I was listening to another host on KSFO, Barbara Simpson, who was filling in for Brian Sussman who was away. She talked about the San Francisco mother, a black woman, who threw her three young children into the freezing waters of San Francisco Bay, killing them. Simpson said, I think they (the authorities) "should throw her in the Bay." So Mike and Spocko could quote her out of context and say "KSFO radio host advocates drowning a mentally impaired black woman." Well didn't she? No, she wasn't serious and only a complete moron would interpret her remarks as such. She was expressing anger at happened to the children.

She also talked about the guy in Missouri who kidnapped two young boys and held one of them for five years. The police caught him and put him in jail. They put him on "suicide watch." Simpson, disgusted with the pedophile's kidnappings, said, "why don't they give him a rope?" NEWSFLASH: "Barbara Simpson advocates lynching prisoners without a trial!" Again, she wasn't being serious.

KSFO radio is largely conversational. The hosts talk like the common citizen does in private conversation. They are sometimes angry (usually for good reason), sometimes frustrated. They joke around a lot. The bit about OV (Officer Vic) creating an audio satire of a NY Times editor being strapped to Old Sparky was about as serious as any skit you will see on "Saturday Night Live."

Once again, you misrepresent the truth for the purpose of slandering conservatives. If you want to sit down and have a serious debate, you will lose. The truth is not on your side.

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