Sunday, January 28, 2007

The Rest of the Story: Must Reads for Sunday

Looking beyond the headlines at the back story can reveal the true motivations of the players and give you a better understanding of the how and why of current events.

Here are some must-read articles for Sunday that provide the back story:

Hugh Hewitt posts a letter from an Annapolis grad to Jim Webb, the angry and rude new senator from Virginia. The letter is making waves and is worth a read.

Little Green Footballs posts an article that describes how the surge is already working in Iraq, where many terrorists have fled Baghdad in advance of the arrival of additional US troops. The surge is working?? Yes, and that's why the Democrats, who are heavily invested in a US defeat, oppose it. That's why several US cities were awash in moonbats, war protestors and other vermin this weekend. If the surge works, Bush looks good and they look bad. There goes the 2008 Presidential elections! I mean, what's really important here, world peace (through victory) or having an atmosphere more conducive to Democrat victories at the polls? What are you wingnuts thinking, anyway?

Instapundit links to an article that describes Hollywood's problem with terrorism. Yes, terrorism is a real problem and one that should be documented in drama and film. However, the terrorists happen to be dark-skinned types from Third World countries and Muslims to boot. Let's see, what's more important? Documenting the truth or avoiding any implication of "bigotry" or "racism"? C'mon, are you really suggesting that our own physical survival is more important than liberal sensitivities? I know I'd rather be dead than to have liberals dislike me, wouldn't you?

The Fourth Rail theorizes that the recent attack on US Marines in Baghdad was really carried out by Iran's special forces. The operation, which involved enemy combatants dressed in US uniforms and driving US style vehicles, was far too sophisticated to have been arranged by the ragged insurgents of al-Qaeda. I don't know if it's true or not, but US troops have now been given permission to kill Iranian agents encountered in Iraq. And that's a good thing.

Yesterday I saw an article on about CNN and Fox News having a snit fit over the true story of Barack Obama's childhood education. Fox claims he was schooled in a Muslim madrassa in Indonesia and, at sometime in the past, Obama was a Muslim. CNN insists it isn't so. CNN is a house organ for the Democratic Party and Fox is, well, fair and balanced. So why the disagreement?

Debbie Schlussel explains. If Obama is or ever was a Muslim, his chances to be elected President are effectively shredded. The American people will not vote for a Muslim for President.

And as Paul Harvey used to say, that's the rest of the story.....

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