Thursday, May 17, 2007

Black-on-White Rape and Murder in Knoxville, TN

Michelle Malkin has posted a story of glaring mainstream media hypocrisy today. See her video tale here.

The story involves a young white couple in Knoxville, Tennessee who were allegedly carjacked by four black thugs, who then took them to the thugs' house. There they gang raped the girl and forced her boyfriend to watch. After that, they poured bleach down the throat of the girl to destroy DNA evidence (due to forced oral copulation). Finally, both victims were tortured and murdered. One of them, I'm not sure which, were cut into three pieces and put into garbage bags.

This is not the first time this has happened, e.g., a black-on-white race crime occurs that is particularly heinous, and it is ignored by the national media. The mainstream media (MSM) prints not a word. It's as if the crime never happened at all. I remember a few years ago when two black thugs barged in on a party of white young people. The two white women were raped, then the group of about four whites were taken to a remote spot where they were executed, one by one, with a shot to the back of the head. Only one of the women survived her wounds to tell the tale. The two black perpetrators were tried, convicted and got the death penalty. But the story was never carried by the mainstream press.

Malkin explains: black-on-white crimes do not fulfill the liberal agenda and therefore have no political value to the left. So they are merely ignored.

The MSM has great power in determining what we hear and what we do not hear; they have long been the gatekeepers to information and knowledge. They often slant the news their way, but they are even more effective in censoring that which they do not want you to hear.

Malkin asks, would the story be ignored if the racial roles in this crime were reversed?

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