Thursday, May 17, 2007

A Previous Coverup of a Black-on-White Rape & Murder

As I noted below, the recent Knoxville crime is not the first example of a mainstream media coverup of black-on-white crime. In 2000 there was an even more egregious case, the so-called Wichita Massacre. The Wichita-Massacre site says this about the crime, which they call "America's most suppressed massacre":

At about 11 PM on the freezing cold night of December 14, 2000, Reginald Carr, 23, and Jonathan Carr, 20, invaded the home of three young Wichita men who had two female guests. The Carr Brothers forced all of them to strip naked. They beat the men and raped the women.

According to a lone survivor's horrifying pre-trial testimony, after sexually tormenting them, the Carr Brothers took the friends individually to an ATM machine and forced them to withdraw as much cash as possible. Then, the Carr Brothers transported their naked victims to a remote soccer field and forced them to kneel in the snow before shooting them execution-style in the head, and then running them over with a truck.

The four friends who died were: Jason Befort, 26, an Augusta High School science teacher and football coach; Brad Heyka, 27, a director of finance with Koch Financial Services; Heather Muller, 25, a St. Thomas Aquinas pre-school teacher who planned to become a nun; and Aaron Sander, 29, a former Koch employee who had decided to become a priest. The fifth friend, a 25-year-old woman, miraculously survived. To get help, she walked nearly a mile, naked and bleeding from her wounds, through snow and subfreezing temperatures.

The MSM kept silent about the crime and the trial, even though both the perpretrators were sentenced to death in November 2001. Again, quoting the above source:
Court TV originally said they would broadcast the entire trial. Then they "changed their mind" and said they would only broadcast the opening statements of the prosecuting and defense attorneys and the testimony of the survivor--but then they mysteriously "changed their mind" again and only provided a few brief news reports about the trial.
We all know the drill. If you're a "rich" white guy from Duke University and you are falsely accused of a sex crime by a known liar, the MSM will give you a colonoscopy on national television at close range under bright lights. But if you're a black thug who both rapes and murders white people, well hell, that's just not news.
There are good people and bad people in all races, and a single crime doesn't make for a race war. But failure to report the news evenly and fairly tends to demonize one race while giving the other a free pass. And that's just not fair to either race. Crime reporting should not have a political agenda.
Reported crimes can provide all of society with the opportunity for soul-searching and for parents to teach their children about the immorality of such behavior. Further, reporting the death sentences helps them understand the consequences of such crimes and may deter future ones. And finally, it helps to prevent a culture of victimization in which one race feels it is always the persecuted and the other race the persecutor. Telling the truth means telling all of the truth.

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