Sunday, February 24, 2008

The Academy Awards

I'm live blogging the Oscars! How exciting! I..... (Sorry I must have dozed off).

The Leftard Jon Stewart is the unfunny Master of Cermonies. There are scores of beautiful young women, all apparently stamped out of a giant cookie-cutter and as original and unique as one of the shrimp in the salad I ate last night. The men resemble some grotesque zoo of bearded penguins. Well at least the men's dress is traditional -- but taffeta? I thought that was out this year.

Even more sickening in its conformity is the liberal/leftist/anti-american politics of the whole lot of the Hollywoodenheads. As I watch this congregation of self-satisfied snobs go about their ceremonial ministrations, I feel that I am spying on the Enemy. This is the group who do not support and celebrate American culture, history or civilization. This is the bunch who have shed their once-existing purpose of entertainment and inspiration to one of psychologically undermining the masses. Their new purpose is one of propaganda for America's enemies, for the false science of global warming, for the crockumentaries of Michael Moore, for constantly denigrating conservative, traditional values in favor of socialism, pacifism, ethnic victimhood and alienation.

As the stars accept their awards we are treated to the suspense of knowing what unamerican comments they may utter. The "best" movie hasn't been announced yet and we can only wonder which celluloid perversion of sadism and mayhem will win the award. Perhaps it will be "No Country for Old Men," a savage tale of a Mafia-hired killer who dead pans his role through the totally pointless stinker. Why is it the best film? Because it has no plot, no moral message, no tale of good triumphing over evil, no redeeming qualities at all. It could be used as a training film for lobotomized homocidal maniacs.

One of the announcers claimed that "the Golden Age of film isn't over." Wrong. It's dead and buried. Perhaps they could change the name of this annual monstrosity from "the Academy Awards" to something more Hollywoodish and appropriate. My vote is for "Night of the Living Dead."

UPDATE: Nielsen says the 2008 Academy Awards ratings were the worst ever! There is justice after all!

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