Sunday, February 24, 2008

Barack Obama Explains "Change"

Barack Obama is running for president on a platform of "change." He is on the Change Express. When he gets through with us, change is the only thing we will have left to spend.

An Obamabot supplied me with Obama's website so I could see for myself this visionary's stand on the issues.

I looked. It is the same old Democrat crapola: create jobs by taxing the nibs off the rich and giving tax breaks to those who don't even pay taxes. Yeah, that'll revive the economy. And while you're at it, raise the minimum wage and index it to inflation. Higher taxes on businesses and investors and higher costs for labor do not grow jobs, they destroy them. Obama flunked Econ 101. That's why he's a Democrat. "Change" my ass.

I'd like to see some "change" too. All socialists out of office. Lower taxes. The end of Social Security taxes, the biggest rip-off in American history. Create an ardent program of energy self-sufficiency by drilling the hell out of ANWR, the American coastlines and anywhere else we can find oil. Let's build hundreds of new nuclear power plants. End Islamic immigration into the United States and encourage those here to leave.

Unfortunately, that won't be the kind of change we get from Al-Obama. We will get socialism, much higher taxes, greater and more pervasive governmental regulation of the private sector, a full surrender to Islam's war on the West, a gutted military, and debilitated and impotent espionage agencies. It will be difficult to make a living and to make ends meet, because a greater portion of what you earn will be stolen by the government to give as a reward to minimum wagers and dropouts for voting Democratic. These idiots never learn: socialism destroys prosperity, it does not increase it. People's lives get worse, not better. You cannot punish productivity and reward sloth and grow anything but poverty and despair.

John McCain is not the perfect conservative, not by a longshot. But I will work tirelessly to get him elected because, as many others have pointed out, the alternative is unthinkable.


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