Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Live Blogging the RNC: Rudy Giulani Speaks

Giulani describes McCain as a man "who has sacrificed for America with his blood."  

Now he's panning Obama's Senatorial experience -- how on many occasions Obama has voted "present" instead of "yes" or "no."  Rudy says Obama couldn't figure out which way to vote. The assembly laughs and applauds.

He says that Obama has never run a city, never run a state, never run a business, never run a military unit, never led anyone in a crisis.  "He has led NADA" says Giulani.  More laughter and applause.

"McCain has been tested, Obama has not.  This is no time for on-the-job training...We agree with Joe Biden [about Obama's lack of experience]."

He says McCain "has been tested over and over again...we will be safe in his hands, our children will be safe in his hands, and our country will be safe in his hands."

Notable quotes from Giulani:
"Change is not a destination just as "hope" is not a strategy."

"Drill baby drill."

"John McCain will keep us on offense against terrorism at home and abroad."

Now he pokes fun at the Democrats' refusal to speak of "Islamic terrorism" as if they would be insulting someone by so doing.  "Who would they be insulting?" he asks.  "They would be insulting TERRORISTS."  Laughter and applause.

On Iraq and the success of the surge, which McCain long advocated, "John McCain got it right and Barack Obama got it wrong."

On Obama's flip flops, he says "Obama was for an undivided Jerusalem for ONE DAY until he changed his mind.  If I were Joe Biden, I'd get that Vice President thing in writing."

On Sarah Palin:  "She's already had more executive experience than the entire Democratic ticket COMBINED."

"I'm sorry that Sarah Palin's city wasn't sophisticated enough [for her mayoral experience to count]."  Maybe they cling to religion!"  Long laughter and applause.

It was a lively, inspiring speech.  Great job.

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