Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Live Blogging the RNC: Sarah Palin Speaks

Sarah takes the stage to long, loud and enthusiastic applause.  Her husband Todd and daughter Bristol beam.

She praises McCain, quotes him saying "I'd rather lose an election than see America lose a war."  She says that, as a mother of a soldier, "That's the kind of man I want to see as Commander In Chief."

She refers to baby Trig, calling him a blessing.  She promises that mothers of "special needs" children will have a friend in her in the White House, and an advocate.

She introduces her parents, saying she is proud to be their daughter.

She calls herself an "average Hockey Mom," saying that the difference between an average Hockey Mom and a pit bull is...lipstick!"  She laughs and smiles at the audience, obviously at ease on the podium and very comfortable in her own skin.

Great lines:
"I guess that being the mayor of a small town is sort of like being a community organizer...except that [as mayor] you have actual responsibilities."

"When I became Governor I got rid of a few things that I thought were unnecessary.  That luxury jet was over the top.  I put it on E-Bay."  Laughter and applause.

She says as Governor she "built a 40 billion dollar natural gas pipeline to lead America towards energy independence."

Now she is effectively pointing out Obama's weaknesses.  She refers to his Greek Columns, his desire to reduce our military effectiveness in a hostile world, his desire to raise taxes - income taxes, business taxes, payroll taxes and death taxes.

"How are you going to be better off if our opponent places a massive tax burden on America?"

She mentions Harry Reid (loud boos), quoting him as saying "I can't stand John McCain"  Then she adds, "What greater proof do we have that we have chosen the right man."

She says of McCain:  "There's really only one man in this election who has ever really fought for places where winning means survival and defeat means death."

On the journey that McCain will have made:  "From a 6 by 4 foot cell in Hanoi to the Oval Office."

She tells how another POW in Hanoi Hilton, a man from Ohio who is present in the hall, used to watch through a pin hole in his cell door each day as the Vietnamese guards led John McCain down the hall to be interrogated and tortured.  When John McCain shuffled back to his cell each night, he would look at this POW's door, smile and flash a "thumbs up" sign to signify that "we are going to get through this."  She says that a man such as this should be the Commander In Chief. 

She says that "there are eloquent speakers who can inspire for a season.  John McCain inspires for a lifetime with his deeds."

It was a great speech.  The Convention stands in a long, enthusiastic applause, electrified.

POSTSCRIPT:  John Rich, a country singer and McCain supporter, sings a rousing rendition of his song "Raising McCain."  You can download the song for free from John Rich's website.  Go here to do so.

John Rich is my kinda guy.  His picture on his website shows him smoking a big cigar!

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