Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Al Gore: Two More Massage Therapists Claim Groping Incidents

The National Enquirer has an article about two more massage therapists who claim sexual assaults from Al Gore.

In an earlier post a few weeks ago, I said Gore deserves the benefit of a doubt, until and unless corroborating evidence was forthcoming.  It may have just arrived.

Read the article here.


  1. "Crazed sex poodle" hits the trifecta! Heh.

  2. Sounds like Al needs to get a grip on himself!  Heh heh!

  3. Perhaps Big Al should co star will Anna Chapman in an upcoming Vivid Entertainment feature film. Wonder if Big Al has been offered a movie deal yet?

  4. They could call the film "Fat Guys Gone Wild!"  Hee hee!

  5. This whole sad business and John Edwards's games just prove the degree to which the MSM has imploded -- all the stories are broken by Enquirer.
