Friday, April 19, 2013

This Is Your Brain On Islam: Alcohol Forbidden, Mass Murder Okay

Drudge quotes the dead terrorist:
Tamerlan says he doesn't drink or smoke anymore: "God said no alcohol." A muslim, he says: "There are no values anymore," and worries that "people can't control themselves."
God says no alcohol, but mass murder is okay.

This is your brain on Islam.

UPDATE:  Second perp ("white hat" guy) captured and in custody.  He was hiding in a boat stored in a citizen's backyard.  He appears seriously injured and was taken to a hospital.


  1. I've always said teetotalers are wrapped too tight.

  2. Yeah, and such fanatics probably don't even smoke cigars!

  3. Stogie,

    Excellent graphic!

    Linked at Infidel Bloggers Alliance:

  4. you are an ignorant fool. this is now the truth, but what the media and hate leads the stupid to believe. may god help you

  5. And what kind of hate causes Muslims to mass murder innocent people? And how am I "ignorant" for pointing out the obvious?

  6. QUOTE:"God says no alcohol, but mass murder is okay."

    - Koran (Our God said everything in it) didn't said anything stupid like "mass murder is okay or murdering someone innocent is okay". Do read Koran before posting something so stupid. If it was "mass murder (involving innocent people)", it is obviously come from the mentality of "some muslims" who doesn't really understand what Islam really mean.

    Israel is the REAL TERRORIST. So just accept the fact and get used to it.

  7. Oh wow where did you get your PHD in Islamic studies? Anti-Islam propaganda is obviously working very well on you. White America or really, the American government has brought more violence, aggression, suffering, misery, and degradation to the world over the last decade than any other. How about you fixate on the crimes of your own country before you sit behind the laptop & feel good about yourself spreading bigoted opinions eh?

  8. Oh geez man, your wonderful America is killing innocent children with drones, invaded & blew up a country that was too weak to even threaten it at all, attacked, maimed, killed, & psychologically traumatized people in other countries who are too poor to even consider drinking clean water (what more alcohol), & you're here, a white male who is privileged & benefitting from your country's history of state-sponsored violence trying to tell people about mass murder? Please. Stop embarrassing yourself.

  9. I have read the Koran and the Haddith and 18 books on Islam, its history, teachings and the example of its "prophet." Islam is all about mass murder, violence and death. You are the ignorant one.

  10. Anti-Islam propaganda? One need only read the newspapers on a daily basis to see an unending stream of Islamic atrocities and mass murder all across the globe. I should go educate myself? You should go fuck yourself, you European weenie.

  11. I doubt that your IQ could drop much lower than it already is. America's military involvement in the middle east is a direct result of Islamic aggression against the United States on 9/11/2001. Tell me, are you a Muslim or just a mindless leftist, you know, that class of political animal that has a strong death wish, always embraces whatever tyranny is ascendant, always sides with the enemies of civilization, and is in fact importing millions of hostile, unassimilable Muslims into Europe to hasten the demise of western civilization and to usher in a new dark ages? You are a complete idiot.

  12. One more thing, if you want to know "what's in the Koran" go here and read for yourself:

  13. LOL no you're the complete idiot. If you just use your fat fingers to try find some statistics you'll realize how many more people are dying from american aggression than the people who have died from Muslim extremists. The precious lives of US soldiers are being used for the govt.'s selfish foreign policy. Veterans come back & protest the Iraq war. Oh sure when the muslims do it, it's terrorism, but when it's anyone else it's not termed as terrorism even though it is. The actions of the US army, a lot of it has qualified as terrorism in definition. Read some chomsky. But then I think he's way beyond your stupid brain.

  14. "One need only read the newspapers on a daily basis.." LOL your ignorance is hilarious. You really don't understand. I pity people who try to reply you seriously. Look at you insulting England too? With Pussy? Are you seriously using 'Pussy' as a derogatory term? Now you're a Islamophobic, a bigot AND sexist. Please. The media blows up certain news & trivializes or even ignores others. If you don't understand this then .. really. you truly need to educate yourself.

  15. & the US involvement in middle east wasn't a direct result of Islamic aggression against them on 9/11.. you aren't even getting your own points right. can you get your facts right and do your research before you talk about something like this. US involvement in Iraq was due to the perceived presence of W.O.M.D, & they wanted to 'liberate' Iraq from Saddam Hussein.

  16. You are insane. We went into Afghanistan to punish the evil bastards who plotted and carried out the 911 atrocity. We went into Iraq because it was believed Hussein was acquiring nuclear weapons for further Islamic aggression. Our response to terrorism and Islamic aggression isn't remotely "terrorism," it is JUSTICE. As a brain-dead Marxist college sophomore, you always side with evil, just as leftists before you sided with fascism, then communism, and now Islam. What is it about totalitarianism that you find so sexy? I would NEVER read Noam Chomsky, an absurd little Marxist and professional America hater. He, like you, is nuts, and totally wrong about everything.

  17. See my previous response.

  18. I am sure you consider it a compliment to be called "a pussy," since that is a state of manliness that you are yet to ascend to. And fuck you and all of your little college sophomore "isms". Being against a mass murdering, hateful and totalitarian ideology isn't "bigotry," it is wisdom, it is putting oneself on the side of good vs evil, of supporting truth over falsehood. How am I "ignorant"? Did not 911 take place? Or the Islamic mass murder of innocents in Beslan, Madrid, London, Mumbai, Fort Hood, Benghazi and Boston? It would appear that you are the one is grossly ignorant, and willfully so. Did you know that in the past 1400 years Islam has murdered around 170,000,000 people? Are you aware of the many verses in the Koran urging violence against non-believers (as outlined in my post of April 13, which you can read here:

  19. are you really suggesting that America NEVER commited ANY atrocity? Drone attacks on innocent people? You call America a just country? Surely you dont believe this trash that your putting out? GROW UP!

  20. Go screw yourself, terrorist loving moron.
