Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Stupid JFK Conspiracy Theories Debunked: "Kennedy was killed by an accidental head shot by a Secret Service agent"

I have read several excellent books, websites and watched some great documentaries on the Kennedy assassination.  I am quite sure that Oswald killed Kennedy and that he acted alone.  I do not understand the emotional need that many have for believing in a massive conspiracy.  Every major conspiracy theory has been dissected and convincingly refuted at John McAdams's site "The JFK/Kennedy Assassination Home Page."  For those interested in the JFK conspiracy theories, this site is fascinating.

Lately we have seen a revival of a theory that first appeared in 1992 with the publication of a book called "Mortal Error."  This book advances the absurd theory that the fatal head shot was fired accidentally by a Secret Service agent.  The agent, one George W. Hickey Jr, sued the author and the publisher for libel and settled out of court for a huge sum.  The book was legally libelous because Hickey was still alive when the book was first published.  Now that Hickey is dead, the theory has been revived and is again being foisted on a gullible public.

This idiotic theory of the "accidental head shot" is nonsense, but there is no end to absurd assassination theories, and no limit to the gullible and credulous who will believe most anything, the Warren Report being the sole exception.

That Hickey could have fired an AR-15 into Kennedy's head with hundreds of spectators watching (and somehow not seeing) is specious enough.  But neutron activation analysis of the lead fragments in Kennedy's brain and wounds showed all of them came from Oswald's rifle.  There were no lead fragments from any other firearm.

UPDATE:  This "Mortal Error" theory seems to be based on the belief that a second kind of gun (other than Oswald's) had to have fired the fatal head shot.  The reason:  the second bullet fired passed through both Kennedy and Connally without fragmenting, whereas the third bullet that passed through Kennedy's head badly fragmented, causing a massive exit wound.  This theory ignores the fact that the second bullet was slowed by its passage through the soft tissue of Kennedy's throat (emerging just under his Adam's apple), and began tumbling end over end.  The lost velocity, as well as the absence of anything hard (like bone) in the bullet's path, was enough to prevent fragmentation upon hitting Connally (the bullet did scrape a rib).  The third bullet experienced no such impediment and hit Kennedy's head at full force, approximately 2100 feet per second.  Therefore, the flight paths and velocities of the two bullets are not comparable, and the assumption that a second gun fired the third bullet both illogical and counter factual.

UPDATE:  Per Bugliosi, the third (head shot) bullet did fragment, but two pieces of it were found on the front floor of the limousine (again, possible only if the head shot were from the rear).  The FBI found the two pieces to be large enough for analysis, and they showed the rifling peculiar to Oswald's Carcano rifle, proving that the third shot, the head shot, was fired from Oswald's rifle and no other.  Certainly not from an AR-15.  "Mortal Error" is a glaring lie, and the authors should be ashamed for introducing yet another myth into the assassination.


  1. Kennedy's head was blown open by the third shot (which disintegrated), but the second shot passed through his body and Connelly as well. That means that the two bullets were different types of ammunition so would not have been fired from the same weapon. Also,.do you really trust anything done (like the bullet fragment analysis) based on evidence which was totally controlled by the secret service? I don't normally go for conspiracy theories but their behaviour certainly looks very much like a cover-up from the start.

  2. No, the second bullet passed through the soft flesh of Kennedy's neck, which slowed its trajectory and caused it to tumble. It hit Connally in the back and passed through his torso, finally slamming sideways into his wrist. That's why it is all flat on one side. The third bullet hit Kennedy in the back of the head at full force. There is no comparison, as their trajectories, impacts and damages are completely different. The only lead fragments in either Kennedy or Connally were from Oswald's gun. There were no traces of any other bullets.

    The facts of the second bullet's passage were closely replicated in a History Channel documentary. "Beyond the Magic Bullet." This included both the slowing from passing through Kennedy's neck and the tumbling it caused, making the bullet tumble end over end as it struck Connally.

    You and I have just demonstrated how most people are uninformed as to the facts of the case, and how casually they will accept fantastic scenarios as a result.

  3. "The agent, one George W. Hickey Jr." Well I sure am glad they are accusing just one George W. Hickey and not two!!!

  4. Nicholas Sayers5/18/2014 3:38 PM

    I just finished watching a new documentary on the mortal error theory, and while it may seem far fetched, one thing absolutely begs further questioning. That third bullet, and the x-rays of JFK's skull post mortem clearly show extensive damage as from a hallow point round. Full metal jacket rounds have been known to fragment when hitting impenetrable objects or matter, but far more often then not they compress. Head shots invariably produce unfragmented rounds when it's a full metal round as used in Oswald's gun. Hallow points invariably produce quite the opposite. I doubt JFK was shot accidentally by the secret service, but doubt doubly so that there was only one shooter. It seems plain as day, even when ignoring all the competing conspiracy theories.

  5. It seems plain as day? Only if one is willing to overlook the overwhelming forensic evidence.

  6. Nicholas Sayers5/19/2014 7:14 PM

    Given the levity of the circumstances and mystery surrounding innumerable indirect/direct factors before and after the assassination, the physical evidence is far from overwhelming and suspect as best.

  7. No, to the informed, the evidence is overwhelming and irrefutable. Neutron activation analysis of the bullet fragments in JFK's skull and the fragments on the front floor of the car showed they all came from the same bullet, the one fired by Oswald's rifle. Read Posner's or Bugliosi's book instead of conspiracist nonsense and you will have a better understanding than you do now. Also, see the JFK Assassination Page on the web.

  8. "This idiotic theory of the "accidental head shot" is nonsense". Well, if you say so...

  9. Thank you very much for that clear explanation, Stoney. Without brilliant and insightful minds like yours there may be no room for facetious comments in this world. while you may have a stick up your ace, I agree with all of your comments on this board regarding JFK even though your use of "one" when making a third person reference shows that you're a hardcore dork.
