Friday, December 06, 2013

Nelson Mandela: Some Sour Notes Amid The Chorus of Praise

Mandela and Castro
My impression of Nelson Mandela, the late president of the nation of South Africa, is not entirely positive.  Most people seem to see the man with the kindly, smiling face as a hero for black civil rights in Africa, a revolutionary against racial apartheid.  My take on the man is that he was anti-American, anti-white, often violent, and whose political organization, the African National Congress (ANC) was a Marxist and  terrorist organization supported by the Soviet Union.  Following are some more sour notes.

From Chronicles Magazine:  Nelson Mandela, RIP or RIH?
Are Black South Africans better off than they were in the bad old days? (Forget about South African whites: Most of them, if they could get visas, have fled the country.) It would not seem so. The South African economy is in ruins, the rule of law has so broken down that Johannesburg is recording murder rates several times the rate in Mexico City, and young black professionals are leaving in droves. Interviewed even on NPR, they explain there is no future for them in South Africa. - See more at:
From American Renaissance: White Genocide With a Whimper:
Nelson Mandela is dead, and South Africa without “Madiba” will be much the same as it was before: a wreck of a country with slowly collapsing infrastructure, high crime, and the slow-motion genocide of Afrikaners [white South Africans].

None of this much matters to the opinion makers of what used to be the West. For them, the true hallmark of leftist totalitarianism isn’t brutality—it’s kitsch, and we’ll see plenty of that. Mandela will be on every magazine cover, the Internet will be drowning in sentimental schmaltz, and Facebook will be littered with sanctimonious status updates.

The truth is, the saintly visage of Mandela—all crinkly eyes and warm smiles—conceals a violent past as a terrorist.
Mandela sought support from America's enemies, like communist China, communist Cuba, Egypt and East Germany.  He is well known for anti-American rhetoric and his support for Communism.  See The Other McCain's take on this here.

For much of Nelson Mandela's life, he was dedicated to terrorism and violence against whites  He was anti-American and was openly allied with communist and other totalitarian regimes.  To his credit, he was more or less peaceful after becoming the first black president of South Africa.  It is for that reason I cannot completely condemn the man.  However, I cannot embrace him either.  Or as Thomas Fleming put it:
The best I can say of Mr. Mandela is that he was the Lafayette or Kerensky of the South African revolution, a self-serving but well-intended fool who could not see what horror he was inflicting on his country.
Update:  American Power joins the Sour Note Chorus:  Nelson Mandela, Terrorist and Communist.

1 comment:

  1. Stars and Bars Forever12/07/2013 2:32 AM

    The way I see it, Nelson Mandela ultimately chose peace and reconciliation over a race war. Had he chosen the opposite, South Africa could have plunged into civil war, which would've been very bad news for the entire world (i.e. the USA and USSR both opt for direct military intervention, the UN is unable is as usual unable to deescalate it, and the Cold War turns hot). He also chose to keep South Africa a democratic state, rather than declaring himself president for life (unlike Robert Mugabe of neighboring Zimbabwe). That is the reason he has my respect.

    Is he a saint? No. But then again, neither were the Founding Fathers. In my opinion, he at least partially grew out of his own narrow-mindedness and became a leader of higher caliber than most (including our own president).
