Wednesday, December 04, 2013

Wendy Davis for Governor of Texas! (Photoshop) #abortion

Wendy Davis is a Democrat Texas state senator.  She's famous for filibustering a new Texas law that would prohibit late term abortions in Texas.  (The law was later passed anyway.)

Now she's running for governor of Texas.  She vows to break up the good ole boys club of Texas politics - and allow angry feminists to abort unwanted brats no matter how far along they are.

We suggest that, instead of using a broom to signify "a new broom sweeps clean," she use a vacuum cleaner as her symbol:  "a new vacuum cleaner aborts the little bastards efficiently!"

Photoshop by Stogie, from images off the web.


  1. My commie brother ( you remember - the one I haven't spoken to in 4 years) calls this angry woman his "hero." Ugh!

  2. I have a commie sister too, and I don't speak to her either.

  3. How productive. I bet your not speaking to them is going to make them change their politics lickety-split. It's not like more than one person can be right, anyway.

  4. It won't make them change their politics, but it surely reduces the annoyance of listening to them.

  5. It won't make them change their politics, but it surely reduces the annoyance of listening to them.

    Exactly! Toxic people don't get a pass just because they're "family."

  6. Thanks for telling me that. There are times (fewer all the time) when I think I'm being too rigid. Then I remember a life time of insults and chaos and know that I've made the right decision.

    I will never forget the day I hung up on him when I realized that I didn't have to tolerate his abuse and I certainly didn't owe him any explanations. He is truly a vile person and I find it incomprehensible that he and I shared the same upbringing (my parents were very conservative in their politics.)

    I've had to face the fact that he is, like Obama, a malignant narcissist.

  7. It's hard to know why people become moonbats. It's a mystery to me.
